Guilty Metal Pleasures

Interesting concept of feeling ashamed of listening to certain bands, as if others' opinions mattered.

Not really. Like, I know Vulgar Display of Power is a stupid album and Walk is an incredibly stupid song, yet I like it. I genuinely think they're terrible songs, but I still enjoy them. That's a guilty pleasure.
Any metalhead who "frowns upon" tool can go die in a fire. [/fanboy]

This forum tries so damn hard to make me feel bad about listening to Opeth, but it just hasn't worked so far.
why the hell should anyone feel bad about listening to Pantera, Tool or Opeth? These guys are incredible!!!
Oh, another one:

I realize just how incredibly cheesy this is, but it's still mad inspiring.
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We Butter the Bread With Butter (they're fun...)
Lamb of God (they're fucking good fack off)
I still love DragonForce. What can I say, they got me into power/prog in the first place. Have I found many better bands? Yeah. Do I still love the inane mishmash of epic lyrics and absurd sound? Yeah!!

I'm also a sucker for several glam bands. And I like Bon Jovi. <.<

Actually, to be honest, most of my playlist would be considered a "guilty pleasure" for most people here.
Most people here dislike thoses bands so I can see.Don't like Pantera or Opeth but Tool is a great band and there no guilty about them aside most people think they suck.

most people do not think they suck. this forum is completely unrepresentative of metal fans in general. most of the music here is the stuff that people think sucks, it just gets sheltered from that because it's so underground noone gets to hear it.