Guilty Metal Pleasures

Guilty pleasures are better applied to food, and such, than music. Because, does listening to bands that your friends or whatever fancy clique you deem yourself a part of, don't approve of, actually hurts you in some way, or hinders your enjoyment ? No.
So unless by "Guilty Metal Pleasures" you mean regularly inhaling mercury, or something. it's just an oxymoron.
People taste on this site is very different than what most people like on this forum.

So you saying people taste on this site very not like people taste on this site? I confused. But nothing wrong with deram Theatr they good musicians cannot deny that.

(I ran it through a translator for you. And Dream Theater bore me.)
Reciting boring poems on leafs of gold during the great flood of '85, my airplane crashed into a wasp nest and evaporated an entire colony of tasteless fertile pigmies on a mission to enslave all music throughout the centuries and froze the space time continuum while slavishly mocking the impending victory of the Goths over the bears' vivisection sect founded in a huge caldera of a long extinct volcano on the island of Bahamushteiastianor during the wee hours of the morning, a time where the carnivorous pumpkins awake to prey on those little green onions in salads and rice pudding.

I dunno.
Nothing, honestly. I'm just expressing my pining for that stream of consciousness writing thread we had going in the social forum. Should've posted that there.
So you saying people taste on this site very not like people taste on this site? I confused. But nothing wrong with Dream Theater they good musicians cannot deny that.

(I ran it through a translator for you. And Dream Theater bore me.)

Sometimes if you don't like the band music you can not say they are horrible musicians.Like Yngwie Malmsteen I can't seem to enjoy his music but I couldn't say he the worst guitar player ever.It takes a lot of talent to play Yngwie music very good or you messed up.
Kind of like sports where a team like the Yankees I hate them but to say they suck is not true since they have won 27 championships and lots of great baseball players on their teams.I think people on here understand this now.
You did not just compare music to sports.

Also, you proved my point about everything flying over your head.

Yes there are different but I love both music and sports so i compare them like to me thinking Dream Theater are bad musicans because you don't like the music is the same as you think the Yankees suck because you dislike them.
Sometimes if you don't like the band music you can not say they are horrible musicians.Like Yngwie Malmsteen I can't seem to enjoy his music but I couldn't say he the worst guitar player ever.It takes a lot of talent to play Yngwie music very good or you messed up.
Kind of like sports where a team like the Yankees I hate them but to say they suck is not true since they have won 27 championships and lots of great baseball players on their teams.I think people on here understand this now.

I laughed out so loud when I read your last sentence! Randy just made it so very clear for everyone!

You did not just compare music to sports.

Also, you proved my point about everything flying over your head.

Eligos, please tell me you have read the NBA thread!! There is just too much win and golden material regarding Randy in the first two pages
I like listening to poser metal sometimes. It has that special kind of heavy, poser-heavy, that you don't find in 'real' metal. I can listen to bands like Slipknot and enjoy them but I have no respect for them and would never acquire physical copies of any of their albums.
I like listening to poser metal sometimes. It has that special kind of heavy, poser-heavy, that you don't find in 'real' metal. I can listen to bands like Slipknot and enjoy them but I have no respect for them and would never acquire physical copies of any of their albums.

How diplomatic.