Guilty Metal Pleasures

Yes there are different but I love both music and sports so i compare them like to me thinking Dream Theater are bad musicans because you don't like the music is the same as you think the Yankees suck because you dislike them.

Stop posting.

Dream Theater is the musical equivalent of taking a long stringy shit that breaks, and then you think it's done, and then you get that fucking uncomfortable earthquake feeling in your bowels, and then another long stringy shit shoots out, until you can't shit anymore. And you wake up 40 minutes later on the can, with a stringy shit hanging from your asshole.
Eligos, please tell me you have read the NBA thread!! There is just too much win and golden material regarding Randy in the first two pages

I opened that thread and read everything. Hilarious stuff.

I'm waiting for the day we all open up a debate about illegal immigrants in the US and I get to refute all of Randy's points about them not knowing how to speak English.
I caught Randy in The Philosopher forum the other day, so who knows, he might be a great debater!

In fact I'm waiting for the thread simply titled "Randy Moss" where we learn about the man himself...supposedly born and raised in the USA, but has proven himself to be more like an immigrant child from Uzbekistan with the brain capacity of a domestic turkey

I caught Randy in The Philosopher forum the other day, so who knows, he might be a great debater!

In fact I'm waiting for the thread simply titled "Randy Moss" where we learn about the man himself...supposedly born and raised in the USA, but has proven himself to be more like an immigrant child from Uzbekistan with the brain capacity of a domestic turkey

Fucking rofl
There are so many metal bands\metalheads these days that are trying so hard to be metal that they are ending up beeing more of a poser themselves then the so called "poser band."
Metal is metal. And fuck metalheads who are aiming for credibility in the scene for bashing bands of other genres\styles, those are the metalheads I cant fucking stand.
I don't feel guilty for any of the metal I listen to, but non-metal:

Johnny Cash
Simon and Garfunkel
Strawberry Alarm Clock
Shonen Knife
There are so many metal bandsmetalheads these days that are trying so hard to be metal that they are ending up beeing more of a poser themselves then the so called "poser band."
Metal is metal. And fuck metalheads who are aiming for credibility in the scene for bashing bands of other genresstyles, those are the metalheads I cant fucking stand.

well fucking said. you either like something or you don't. sure, there are different ways in which to enjoy music, but don't hide behind enjoying something "ironically".

Vegard Pompey- the fact that you download these albums but wouldn't buy a hard copy voids your right to say anything critical about the well-produced music these guys sweated it out to produce, play and market, because you're getting it FOR FREE. oh i'm so sorry that you like slipknot just enough to rip them off by not giving them your money in return for the enjoyment you get from their music.

downloading is warping people.


I like what I have heard from Stratovarius and not a homo at all.
I think RATM is a great band but don't think many people on here will like them because of their political lyrics or that there rap-rock but I like them alot and not guilty about because they are the only band that did the rap-rock thing right.
Stop posting.

Dream Theater is the musical equivalent of taking a long stringy shit that breaks, and then you think it's done, and then you get that fucking uncomfortable earthquake feeling in your bowels, and then another long stringy shit shoots out, until you can't shit anymore. And you wake up 40 minutes later on the can, with a stringy shit hanging from your asshole.
LaBrie's voice makes me do this.
Dream Theater is pretty damn hit or miss IMO. Most of it is, I won't say trash, but definitely not up my alley. They do have a few gems, however, which are rather epic.

A Change Of Seasons
The Miracle and the Sleeper
The Dance of Eternity
Stream of Consciousness
A lot of their individual riffs or leads are really fucking epic too, but it's very very rare that one of their songs has a decent ratio of awesome parts to "ugh why did you have to put this in and ruin the song" parts.