Guilty Please Bands

Nugent Goes AOL

Crescent Fresh!
Aug 27, 2002
Poughkeepsie, NY // Atlanta, GA
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I'm curious to hear what everyone's guilty pleasure bands are.

Y'know, the bands that you love rocking out too, but wouldn't exactly...well...wear a t-shirt of.

I chuckle at the fact that I love some of the over-emotional hardcore that I listen too...extremely dramatic stuff like From Autumn To Ashes and Thrice. Dorky, I know, but so pleasurable...

As far as metal goes, I think Children of Bodom are terribly cheesy, but they still rock my balls off! :headbang: And although many people won't agree with me, I would count In Flames and Soilwork in this category, too...I dunno...I love guitar harmonies, but something about this whole melodic death metal resurgance makes me laugh. Those bands rock, but I have more trouble taking them extremely seriously.

So, what about everyone else? :D


However, something makes me think this will turn into a big fight...:rolleyes:
Well...I don't feel guilty about any of the music that I like because it's my personal taste friends always give me hell when I talk about listening to Motley Crue, LA Guns, Poison, Skid Row....or raunch rock like AC/DC...
I listen to plenty that isn't metal and that metal fans might have little understanding of *shrugs* for instance Loreena McKennitt & Nick Cave
Originally posted by Nugent Goes AOL can I forget the mighty CRADLE OF FITLH? :lol:
Haha, I actually listen to them, myself. Well, their new stuff I really don't like but they have put out some good music in the past.
The first album I heard by them was "Dusk...And Her Embrace." In fact, that was the first extreme metal album I heard. I still think it was a great album and it paved the way to other great bands for me.
I can tolerate some pretty mediorce stuff. I have a few mediocre CDs. I'm not really embarrassed about anything I actually like. Usually I get the most flak for my interest in Ministry. But if I could find a ministry shirt, I would pay double the price for it, so I wouldn't say I'm embarrassed. Then again, I don't get embarrassed easily. Now that I think of it, the last time I was even remotely embarrassed was when I noticed that my Hitler Idiot shirt attracted so much attention. I like the shirt, but I don't like all the attention.
Hmmm, Moonsorrow, maybe...
I love Moonsorrow! I never thought of being embarassed about them, but now that you mention it they are kind of cheesy. With all of the fake blood, and in one of their videos the people in the crowd are holding up little plastic viking hats!! :)