Opethian Bands


What bands are there that are quite similar to Opeth, maybe influenced by them, or were an influence to Opeth.

During my great search, I have discovered the wonders of progressive music, and bands with nice lengthy sings, like "Yes", "Ozric Tentacles", "Godspeed You Black Emperor".

But sofar I haven't really discovered many progressive metal bands, Though I've heard of Symphony X and a few others. Are there any bands like this, because, seeing I love Opeth, I'm just looking for more of the same type of thing.. Because I'm too impatient to wait for Opeth's next Album.

toodles. and thonx in advance.
right, you may have heard these bands but i'll tell you anyway:p , bloodbath is a band with Mikael on vocals, only 3 songs though and they or on the links page of opeth.com. Mikael also sings as growling vocals on Katatonia's Brave Murder Day album. and according to this months terrorizer, April Ethereal are simillar to opeth (the band opeth made a song titled this on MAYH). im not too sure about any other simillar bands as opeth are very unique, but a sort of, maybe not sound wise simillar band are Tool, but im sure you already know about them:)
Yeah I read about that band, April Ethereal. Isn't their album called "Advent"? Isn't this pathetic?!?!?!

Check out Camel, by the way, if you want to hear Opeth's true inspirators.

Also, Mikael is a big MORBID ANGEL fan.
Originally posted by Metalmaster
Yeah I read about that band, April Ethereal. Isn't their album called "Advent"? Isn't this pathetic?!?!?!

Also, Mikael is a big MORBID ANGEL fan.

dunno whether its pathetic or not but i tried to d/l some of their songs but only opeths songs came up:mad: , i may have to risk buying the album and sending it back if its shit:mad:
No, there's an interview with them in this months terrorizer. They actually seem quite cool :p They don't worship Opeth and just say they're a big inspiration, they try not too copy them. So they sound ok, don't know about the music. But Transparetn can go and see them live, lucky him :) I can't b arsed to go all the way in2 london 2 c them :p :loco:
Originally posted by godisanathiest
No, there's an interview with them in this months terrorizer. They actually seem quite cool :p They don't worship Opeth and just say they're a big inspiration, they try not too copy them. So they sound ok, don't know about the music. But Transparetn can go and see them live, lucky him :) I can't b arsed to go all the way in2 london 2 c them :p :loco:

when they playing live? does it say in the gig section of terrorizer? if so i will check :err: , i say all this and it will turn out i dont like em :lol: , might as well get their album tomorrow, its worth the risk, like the ones i took on my 2 fav bands opeth and katatonia, both because they were sooooooo cheap (£9) i had to risk it.:grin:
I listened to an April Ethereal mp3 the other day. Definitely could here the Opeth influence but I can't really say they're copycats, at least not from listening to this one song. I think they went way overboard in borrowing the titles and such. Yeah, I know Opeth has been known to borrow titles too but c'mon, this is ridiculous. All in all, this one song wasn't really to my liking, though I'd still like to here more.