Guilty Pleasures

John Mayer Trio is a very good blues CD. "Try" is the name of it and it features his Hendrix cover of "Wait til' Tomorrow" . Yes some of his songs were written to get's obvious...but he is pretty talented and very good live.
I dont know he strikes me as someone who writes what he feels about many topics. I felt he had something different going on back when I first heard his first radio song. Even that had its own guitar thing going on. Then only two years ago I saw him on some television concert broadcast that was like a G3 for the old school guitar players, it had Clapton, Walsh, Baxter and quite a few others I cant remember, seems Mayer was the only younger dude. He stood up there and did this long improv useing Hendrix double stop tecniques and other real smooth blues licks and I thought, "Would you look at this !" I need to get that Trio CD, I only saw some of the video clips on youtube. Infact I posted quite a few here on the blues guitar player topic.
KillSwitch Engage and All That Remains are two of my guilty pleasures, I will have to think about the others.
I dont know he strikes me as someone who writes what he feels about many topics. I felt he had something different going on back when I first heard his first radio song. Even that had its own guitar thing going on. Then only two years ago I saw him on some television concert broadcast that was like a G3 for the old school guitar players, it had Clapton, Walsh, Baxter and quite a few others I cant remember, seems Mayer was the only younger dude. He stood up there and did this long improv useing Hendrix double stop tecniques and other real smooth blues licks and I thought, "Would you look at this !" I need to get that Trio CD, I only saw some of the video clips on youtube. Infact I posted quite a few here on the blues guitar player topic.
Highly recommend the trio disc. Yeah you're right, I once seen him on channel 11 doing a special live show with BB King. I couldn't believe was excellent.
All I have from Asia is "Silent Nation" & it's pretty fucking good.

Biggest Non-Metal I dig would probably be Ayreon. They pwn damn near every single Metal band out there.
Isnt Aryeon rooted in Metal? I know he uses alot of atmospheric keyboards and stuff but the overall thing is rooted in metal with riffs, metal guitar solos and such, then of course all the studio artists are from metal bands. Metal is and has been a broader rehlm of music than most younger people seem to want to give it credit for, yet at the same time we now have who knows how many "sub genre" terms for metal. I dont get the point of it all sometimes. It was so much simplier when we had pop metal - VanHalen influenced sound, heavy metal - Iron Maiden or NWOBHM influenced sound, thrash metal - Metallica (or big four) influenced sound, neo classical metal (Yngwie influenced) and progressive metal(Queensryche/Fates Warning influenced sound) I know its changed, evolved, blended and even added elements of older hard rock or progressive rock since then but I can still listen to new bands and pick the rootes of their musical style according to what I call these primary "schools of metal".

Im not really raggin, it just seems nameing bands that are so close to metal as "non metal" isnt really stepping out side of the boundaries. For example: picking Led Zeppelin let say, sure they were not "metal" but it stands to reason that some young metalheads might appreaciate them and it really stood to reason that old Zep heads like myself would expand into listerners of metal.

make any since ? ....... lol
Mathiäs;6805691 said:
Ayreon is metal. They are symphonic/power metal.

I just got my gall bladder removed. I have stitches in my stomach (ouch) & reading that made me laugh so hard I ripped some of the stitches in my stomach (ouch again). You have a very bad grasp on their music. They're very clearly Modern Progressive Rock. There are slight Metal shadings in there on a few songs here & there, but that's it. Most of his music is really Prog Rocky in a more modern sense. It seems to me that a lot of MetalHeads don't appreciate their music & many write it off as being cheesey. He also doesn't do much "Symphonic" stuff really & "Power" is a terrible word to describe them. I think bands like KoRn are much more Metal overall that Ayreon :lol:

Listen to "Isis and Osiris". That's a great sum up of what he does. It gets a bit rocking, but not much Metal there at all.

razoredge said:
make any since ? ....... lol

Yeah, you make sense. Some MetalHeads can appreciate them, but like I said many write them off as a bullshit wank band.

The word "wank" seems to have a different meaning to everyone. When I think of wank I think of instrumental sections & solos that are not well written to suit the song & mostly just display a good instrumental technique. Ayreon has none of that & virtually no shredding solos on 99% of their catalog, save for a few guest spots from Michael Romeo when he showed a less shreddy side to his playing.

I guess most people here would frown upon those genres.
I think once you realize rap is more rhythmicly based than it is melody like most genres it becomes alot easier to respect

There's good rap out there, but it seems to me it's hard to come by because all you hear these days is the mainstream stuff which always consist of the same damn drumbeats over and over and nothing really creative or unique to the 'song'

but, there is some good rap out there, some very good rap
Yeah, it's the same thing with metalcore. Plenty of good bands in the underground but most metalheads seem to ignore that.
Aside from the stuff I put in the 80s guilty pleasures I guess I would say City of Evil. I suppose some metalheads (the retarded ones) would look down on me for really loving some funk music and uum flute, I played it and I like listening to it sometimes, yeah saxophone too. Also classical music is immense but I have no great knowledge about it. I really don't listen to other music anywhere near as much as metal though so, meh idk. I'm going to start doing though. I have two rap CDs but I basically really don't like that music now so that doesn't count.