Guilty Pleasures Thread

I was trying to think of a guilty pleasure... but realized everything I like and do is completely awesome and there's nothing to feel guilty about.

do you watch Turkish ones?

Fuck man it's a disgrace, even I had to watch those with my gf's family because me and my gf's father want to get laid and act like we care about their soap operas.

The Turkish ones are really REALLY popular here, at least they are a tad better than the porno movie acting quality Mexican ones.

so none of you masturbate? or let me go deeper and say that none of you count masturbating as a shameful act? :)

masturbation with the forever alone face ftw <3

Even though I'm in a relationship I still watch porn with the forever alone face haha. It's better than cheating xD

I was trying to think of a guilty pleasure... but realized everything I like and do is completely awesome and there's nothing to feel guilty about.


I'm also in the same situation, but if you call eating like a pig and taking food from people's plates a guilty pleasure so be it.
guilty pleasures? I like to use socks when I wear sandals, it's teh zeckz :)

hahahaha and you're still looking cute xD :*

Not to feel guilt, but when I'm alone I pass the finger to the plate of banana with condensed milk.