Guitar pro for linux?


Apr 24, 2004
Turku, Finland
hey, i know there is lot of Gutiar pro users, and i really need to know this:
is there guitar pro for linux, or can it make to work somehow? i really need to lear some songs and that GP doesn't work in Wine program, and i have linux ubuntu.
Elysian893 said:
maybe if you acquired a version of VMWare, and ran a virtual windows box, acquire a copy of windows if you have to :Spin:

can you tell me how to do that :)? i'm new user with linux so i don't know all the things yet :P
when linux starts getting mainstream, it will have started to be rotten, therefore, it won't be linux anymore, so i guess Elysian is right.

Man, i can't give you much info, but you should try Wine. They ran Visual Basic on the damn thing :lol:
Tut Ankh Amon said:
when linux starts getting mainstream, it will have started to be rotten, therefore, it won't be linux anymore, so i guess Elysian is right.

Man, i can't give you much info, but you should try Wine. They ran Visual Basic on the damn thing :lol:
linux is such a pain in the ass, its not worth the wasted time learning it. and i've learned enough about it to get me around it pretty decent, but seriously, why make computers harder than it should be? you know what open source means to me? unorganized, poor code, and too many hands on a single piece of software.
Tut Ankh Amon said:
i beg to differ, but that's cause i'm studying for 4 and a half years to become a professional nerd :p

honestly, there's much more to that, and it just gets messy when it starts getting too user friendly. That's why Linux is "elitized".
messy? how is user friendly messier? because it makes you lazy programmers have to work harder? :lol:
Elysian893 said:
messy? how is user friendly messier? because it makes you lazy programmers have to work harder? :lol:
okay, you win
i'll go deep into it :p

the only thing that Linux isn't better than windows nowadays is on the ease of use. Why? Linux was made to be a completely controllable OS, meaning you can have it the EXACT WAY you want it, and leave it on for years without having any bugs. The price for that is it being hard to configure and install stuff.

On windows, it's a big big mess. Because it's all badly done so the user simply has to click a button. On linux, you specify EXACTLY what you want, so it'll work PERFECTLY, but it's harder to install. On windows, the OS finds out by itself how to connect stuff. It doesn't work perfectly? Who gives a fuck, it works on most cases.

other than that, linux's core is totally C/C++ based, meaning "everything fits". Windows has a C/C++ core, but works with stuff of a whole darn lot of languages at the same time, which can (and does) cause conflicts. Windows programming is also way easier, so the programs are more sloppy, so they tend to crash and blue screen from hell© cause they access memory adresses they shouldn't.

etc etc etc

user friendly != easy interfaces.
Linux graphical interface is easier than windows nowadays :p
linux gui's still suck... they are so far behind its not even funny. was messing with ubuntu recently... it didn't stay long though, not worth my while. i want a computer that just works, i'm not a programmer, i'm not a network engineer, or any of that shit, for my home computer, i want something that works. i also want something that is a potent recording rig, and i have yet to find anything on linux as potent as cubase. hell getting my sound card to even work on linux is a pain in the ass.
for audio, totally!

@elysian: those are the only reasons i stay on windows :lol:
not the GUI, after all i couldn't give less of a crap to it, but the latest versions of X are way prettier than windows.
anyway, for audio and video stuff, it's windows (actually mac, for audio) all the way indeed.