guitar question

Maybe its because I'm a guitar gear guru... maybe its the class I took at the musicians institute on guitar effects or maybe its the fact that Ive been playing guitar for 14 years (im only 24 btw) I think its a lot easier to get the tones I want with the real amps...

But I think its easier to get a (easy) mixable tone using amp sims...

@Josh... tough break on dialing in the tone for 3 hours and not being happy... I dont think its ever taken me over an hour to get a tone I was happy with for anything and with any amp... go figure...

I think its important to understand that an awesome guitar tone consists of your guitar tracks + bass + depending whats going on in the song kick drum...

one guitar track by itself isnt going to sound like a joey record or a sneap record... thats the point of getting the tone you want and tweaking it to fit the mix...

Is the last half of this post directed towards Josh or only that one sentence?
and my second question is, have you ever heard Josh's mixes?

I dont want you to take this the wrong way, but Josh's mixes are some of the best on this entire forum and he is right up there with Joey. We all should be listening to him for advice as we do with Joey, not the other way around.
Also thank you for the nice comment. Your pod tones I feel are better than mine and you make them work a lot better in mixes. We're all our own worst critic.

Yea we defiantly are our own worse critics.
And thank you about my pod tones it means a lot coming from you, but we all know that your tones are just on another level.