Guitar recomendations


Yeah... Whatever
Jul 27, 2002
Santiago, Chile
I am looking for a new guitar, after getting sick of my Ibanez RG 270x....
Any ideas? I am looking into something more versatile, not so metal-ish. The most important thing is, though, that the body and neck are well constructed, since all the electronic parts can be changed.
So tell me, what should I look into?
Well from what you described, I'd say to look into a Les Paul. Personally in my opinion, go with an Epiphone... they are fantastic. If you want to spend 700 extra dollars for more pretty looks and a slightly more brilliant sound, than go with a Gibson- but Les Paul is definetly a versatile guitar with a sexy neck-tru body.
@Winterfall - Les Pauls are neck-thru? Weird, because the last time I saw ANY les, it was a set-neck. (Unless we're talking something like the Carvin SC90, totally not standard les)
Well, I'm thinking of maybe 600-700 dollars (that is the literal translation of my money and dollars, but to give an idea, my guitar costed me around 300-400 dollars)
Winterfall: you say Les Pauls are versatile, but I can't see anyone tryng to play metal songs on a Les Paul...
Someone here hasn't heard of Zakk Wylde, huh?
I remember the Therion guitarist also playes les pauls.
So does Michael Weikath (Helloween).

Dude, it doesn't get much more metal than that.

HOWEVER, are you gonna tolerate that heel? The Ibanez S-series might get you close to what you're after, BTW.
ıt depends on your price range but lets consider that you have a lot of money.
Ibanez Jem7vwh(the white one)($1700,street) Its amazingly well made and very versatile but you still can play metal stuff.ı dont think lespauls would be a good choice for most of the guitarists in symphony x forum.
I dunno, Les Pauls are OK, but usually have a chunky neck, and a quite heavy (well, the good ones anyways, thus the Uber tone). They really dont make a good "Shredder" metal guitar. I thought only the really high end Les's are neck thru (Like the $3k+ ones)..yeah, there are those diehard players like Zakk, but your really just paying for the name..

Seriously now, if you want a guitar that has good tone, nice neck and is well made, cant really go wrong with a american strat, not that squire shit, or that mexicrap shit, Just good old american handscraftmanship..and you can easily find one in the $800-1000 range. The electronics are about as versitile as they come, the necks are very comfortable (changeable too, ala Warmoth!!) and I could spend all night typing a list of all those Shredders who use em...Jems are nothing but strats with a thin neck & fancy inlays + a monkey grip w00t.........
Zax666 said:
@Winterfall - Les Pauls are neck-thru? Weird, because the last time I saw ANY les, it was a set-neck. (Unless we're talking something like the Carvin SC90, totally not standard les)

Ugh I'm sorry- I confused the two. You are very correct, friend. I play an Epiphone Studio and it is a set-neck. Thank you for setting me straight before I made more of an ass of myself.
Well, I was thinking a stratocaster would make a good option, since a couple of friends have that guitar, and it's really cool to play with.
I guess it is better for me to go to a shop and try the guitars, but anyways thanks for the suggestions...
RobbM said:
Jems are nothing but strats with a thin neck & fancy inlays + a monkey grip w00t.........
:err: AND all-acess heels, stock DiMarzio pickups, stabile trem systems, 24 frets, rather flat radius fretboard, scalloped top 5 frets on the treble side,tilt-back headstock, the neck itself has the Ibz 'Prestige' treatment so is NOT finished in poly and so on...

The thin neck you mentioned is not such a small difference as you make it out to be, but yeah, someone might not notice the difference betweeen the two guitars...

And aren't the Jems out of his price range? I mean, he said $600-800, the JEM7V is alot more than that.

@ElPredicator - Whaddaya want, dude? I mean, you've told us about... nohing...


Trem/No Trem?
Tone? (fat/bright, thick/flexible, sustain? )
Neck preference?
Prefered pickup config? (HSS, SSS(why not), HH, HxS?)
Personally, I'd recommend a Parker Fly. You simply will not find a better body/neck construction. They balance perfectly and a board made of carbon graphite and stainless steel frets means you are never gonna have any warping/dead frets/wear anything! It'll always be perfect. Not to mention the piezo system allows you to blend acoustic sim with the electric channel, tons of versatility in tone there.

If you aren't looking to spend that much however, you can get a really nice Washburn with ebony or Pau Ferro on the board, Seymore Duncans, a Wilkenson trem and Buzz Fetin (good lord is that feature ever underappreciated) for around $300 off ebay or somthing. Probably some of the best quality for the price is in Washburn if you know where to look.
@Zax: I basically need a guitar with good manufacturing, that is, a comfortable neck, the whole guitar is one piece of wood (I don't know if its neck-set,through,whatever), and light (I mean, it doesn't cut the blood flow in my legs when I play seated, nor hurts my shoulder when played standing).
I really don't care about the electronic system, since it can be changed according to my taste and need, I am looking for a nice good piece of wood. :)

EDIT: Yes, I want a trem.
Can anyone tell me please how are the different neck configurations named??
I can't understand a web site when it says a neck through body, and thus can't really know what the hell I would be buying.
I think your gonna have a hard time finding a guitar with all the options you want under a grand. Carvin is the way to go, price vs quality, you really cant go wrong...there tube amps are fuckin' awesome too...its nice to see them starting to get some props in the music biz..Tony MacAlpine and Zappa/Vai are among some of there more talented users..

Neck thrus are nice, all one piece. There tone, sustain, and easy access to upper frets are what make them really nice. downsides are that its usually a costly option, and it usually increases the weight of the guitar. and if you ever need neck work done like refretting etc it usually cost a lot more.
oh yes jems cost much much more than his pricerange ı am a fool by not reading all the answers before ı post.I think what you need is a basswood Carvin.Neck throughs increase the price of the guitar and ı think it doesnt worth it unless if you have very small hands.Bolt ons(like a strat ) are very well made too.