need some help on neck buying....


New Metal Member
Jan 1, 2004
ST Charles , IL USA
yesterday the neck on my ibanez RG, but i have reached a delima, and that is i have never purchased a neck before. My plan is to purchase one through warmoth, but i am not sure what kind of wood for the neck, and fretboard would be the best. I was thinking mahogany neck with an ebony fingerboard, but i am not sure what would be the most playable. I prefer 24 frets to a 22, i normally play on a 7 string, but the rg was my 6 string , with floyd rose, so it came in handy on lots of stuff.

just so everyone knows the neck broke where the head and neck are connected together.

any input would be very very good, thanks.
it all depends on what RG model. Does it have the offset 4 bolt or the regular block 4 bolt? Im not sure if they carry the offset one or not. If you go thru warmoth you might end up paying more than what the entire guitar is worth. and as always check Ebay, theres always ibanez 550 necks up usually.
From browsing through the warmoth site today, I got the wierd idea that they don't acutally sell a 'true' 24 fret neck, only extended 21 fret ones (there are no 'true' 22 fret bolt-on necks).
So if the neck joins the body after fret 17, not 15, you're screwed!