Guitar sounds, hopefully I have come to the right place..

sm57 doesnt sound buggered to me, just sounds like your amp is horrible, no offence, but its waayyyyyy too mid heavy, that appears to be the biggest problem here. If you can get rid of the excess mids there is a reasonable tonal character hiding under there.

Could you write a list of every bit of equipment you have use and find me a specifcation of your amp please?

have you ever contemplated that the sm57 sounds shit on anything other than a mesaish sounding amp, after all slipnot use the Orange amps -NOT that in any way I like them!

My amp is an Orange OTR80 for all intents and purposes, it was an orange owned by Oasis for recording in uk Rockfield studios, it blew me away when I heard it.

Is a combo loaded with 2x Vintage 30's.

I have a few pedals to push it, a Seymour Duncan twin tube and a damage control Demonizer.

SM57, into a neve 1073 pre amp. Also have a summit audio TLA 50 leveller but havent used it here, into RME Fireface 400

I have a few other mics, condensor and ribbon, acoustically I don't struggle recording, but the guitar amp I do, the sm57 I feel takes the orst out of it, I still feel the sm57 is no good for this amp.
Damn it, I can see nothing wrong with signal chain, what sort of guitar sound are you going for?

I honestly don't know any more, I just wanted a great heavy tone.

I might just sell it and get something... more suited to the task, problem is that the orange amp is for the old led zeppelin tone, i might have not been.. thinking as well as I should.
If you want to sell it, save up for a dual rectifier and you will not be dissapointed. But great metal tones isn't the oranges flavour unfortunatly. Maybe a tiny terror and descent cab will keep the orangeyness but not suck for metal, check out Marcus' (metaltastic) clips of it, they are mucho coolio.

Sorry I could not be of more help :(

thats ok cheers anyway, my orange is probably worth enough to get a dual reccy, I just hope I don't have the same isse as I did before with my old marshall JCM800
I must say that when I heard that Jim Root uses the Orange Rockerverb for both Slipknot and Stone Sour, I was intrigued. Just gotta try one out for myself already...
the jcm was way too fizzy, i sold it of. I like that Daylight dies, chuggy thunk sound, quite doom in style. not a fan of fizz althought here is some on Katatonias new album they use mesa's

I got the orange as I loved the tone when I heard it, it had that sound. Katatonia use MATAMPS as well, and the matamp they use is based around the original MATAMPS which is what the orange is based round, hense how I came to try out orange amps.

But yes never been able to get a great guitar sound with sm57 personally. I also have an SM58, same issue.

Maybe its my perception of the tone. I hear a lot of amateur recordings and they have loads of gain and loads of fizz.

I listen to swallow the sun and there is no fizz just meat.
Not to sound like I'm digging on you, but an SM57 should do the job just fine............something must be up with either the mic, or your setup/mic positioning.
Don't suppose you bought the SM57 off of Ebay did you? There are a lot of fakes out there, and if the amp sounds decent in the room, and is the tone you want, then it will be possible to capture it - mic positioning and using the correct mic is key here.
No its too vintage for a line out, Id have to use some sory of powerbrake device. I wonder if it needs seriously turning up, bit tricky to do that here but might be able to test it elsewhere.

ive been doing some research on it and I should be able to achieve what I am after. They might not be gain monsters but they have plenty of meat. I mean live they scare people!