Guitar Tone Competition IV: Sign Up

Sounds like fun, I am interested but before I dive into this can someone link me the rules and what not? :)

+1 what is it about by the way?

I'm still working on the final rules, but the tentative rules are based on the rules from guitar tone competition 3 and can be found here:

In a nutshell it's similar as on previous years except I'm hosting it instead of MarkG:

- you receive files, reamp guitars + bass, send bounced stereo file(s) back to me before the deadline
- I and some other person will do a quality check of the files just in case someone cheats and/or sends the files in wrong format etc
- Then I will post the submissions anonymously, people vote and then x amount of submissions will go to the finals and/or semifinals in case there is more than 8 clear winners
- The winner can reject the main prize and pass it down to the next in line. Because this is first competition with physical prize, the winner and the sponsor must settle on who pays the shipping costs, I take no responsibility on it. Also the delivery of the amp might be delayed because Wolfe is going to Afghanistan(?).
- All non-banned Ultimate Metal forum members are free to enter
- The winner can reject the main prize and pass it down to the next in line. Because this is first competition with physical prize, the winner and the sponsor must settle on who pays the shipping costs, I take no responsibility on it. Also the delivery of the amp might be delayed because Wolfe is going to Afghanistan(?).

Yep I can't cover shipping, I'll give the winner 30 days(from the date the amp is complete) to either pay for the shipping or come pick it up, after that it's mine again. Also the amp will not have the normal lifetime warranty. If you break it, well, it was free lol. I'm giving away an amp worth over a grand for free, so just enjoy it peeps!
Do we have drums, vox & keys (to know what the music is like) or is it just guitars & bass?

The song is 50 sec long poppunk song (general midi demo here), has stereo bounced drums and 1 bass DI-track and 3 guitar DI-tracks to be processed. Last time we got vocals too, but people started whining about it on the thread I linked up there so we just decided to go without them this time.
Oh and sign me up as well. As I said in the other thread, if by some miracle I end up winning, my prize goes to the next in line.