Guitar Tone/Reaper Advice Needed.

Robert W

May 13, 2009
I recently got a ADA MP-1 preamp and have been having trouble dialing in a usable tone. Actually, it sounds pretty crappy. Slightly discouraged, I tried the MP-1 with an oversized 1X12 cab I have and the sound was worlds apart from what I was getting with cab sims. Yes, I know a real cab is always going to sound better, but the tones I'm getting with my sims seem really off. For instance, no matter what I do my tones always sound boomy and boxy. As such, I have to always end up doing a lot of EQing to try and balance that out. That got me thinking that maybe I've just not set up either my ASIO or Reaper settings right. Could someone possibly then share with me what settings they use for Reaper.

How many different impulses have you tried with your cab sim? There are boatloads of free and not free ones out there, and they all sound different. Out of the hundreds of impulses I have in my collection, maybe only a handful peak my interest for a given sound that I'm looking for.
I've tried POD, Amplitube, and the just about every free amp sim I can find and I'm still having this same general sounding problem, boxy and boomy.
You should've tried (if you haven't yet) the Catharsis impulses, God's Cab, Mickrich's impulses, FrankTheSmith's impulses etc. The list goes on. The TSE X50 V2 has some of the greatest IRs included, Mickrich (TrackMix Studio) ones usually end up in my mixes among others.
I mainly use amp sims for recording and pretty much every track I've posted here for critique has gotten "Your guitar tone bothers my ears", basically. :lol:

And this is using a chain that a bunch of people love and use a lot.... (TSE808, X50, s-preshigh). Apparently I just can't get it right.
glad you dig it! the bass is a dingwall combustion into a darkglass b7k pedal and uad nigel. but back to the topic of this thread. you want to try to get a tone that doesnt have much boxiness or boominess in it to start with using different impulses/settings untill you get something you like. then you can use eq to carve out whatever is bad thats left. boxiness is probably around 400-500hz and boominess anywhere from 0-150 can be pretty boomy might want a cut at 250 as well. mess around until you get something you like :p