Guitarhack Impulse combination


New Metal Member
Sep 9, 2012
Hi there
Im like to hear some ideers for a great impulse combination when using GuitarhackImpulse.

Im playing through a 5150 and dubbing my guitar, so i have the same riffs two times. I like to use the samme cab, but whit the mic in two different positions.

Any suggestions?
Thanks for you adwice, but would like to here some of the combinations people are using
Damn ... seems that nobody use impulses any more or?
If you have some well used combinations of other impulses as the ones in Guitarhack, then i would also really like to here about it.
Guitarhack, Greg and Ryan have given us legendary impulses. Try to find the "Catharsis Awesome Fredman" (or something like this) and "Asem Recto". As for the Guitarhack impulses, I remember I liked the ones that had "Sneap" in their names, something like "ala sneap"
Hi there
Im like to hear some ideers for a great impulse combination when using GuitarhackImpulse.

Im playing through a 5150 and dubbing my guitar, so i have the same riffs two times. I like to use the samme cab, but whit the mic in two different positions.

I want a ass kicking killer sound :rock:

Any suggestions?

Try and find what works best for you in the context of the song..
Try, try, and try again.. :)

Right now, you're asking how much salt and pepper you should add to your soup when no one, other than you, know the other ingredients and what it tastes like so far..
^ That. What sounds good in one song may not sound good in the other. For example, I am recording an album where one song is very based off of a grinding, distorted bass riff. I have to use a slightly different impulse setting for that one, lest everything get lost in mud.
Thanks Teddyboy for your input.
Like i wrote in the beginnin, i would like to hear about experince with some specific combinations.

Answere a la try try try, salt, peber, tast etc. is not what im askin for, so please dont use this treat for that type of answere. Im just couriose about what specific cobination you guys use in your setup :)
Thanks Teddyboy for your input.
Like i wrote in the beginnin, i would like to hear about experince with some specific combinations.

Answere a la try try try, salt, peber, tast etc. is not what im askin for, so please dont use this treat for that type of answere. Im just couriose about what specific cobination you guys use in your setup :)

But, dude..
You haven't even posted a clip of what kind of music you are making..
There are no presets..
That's my point.. you are asking us for good combinations (Salt and pepper) for your music (soup).. that noone, other than you, know how it already tastes and what kind of soup it is..
You haven't even mentioned the genre..

You say "I want a ass kicking killer sound", but in what context?
And you're asking for suggestions..
Even if people here only use 1 impulse for everything, they might not recommend it for your style and sound..

Every song is different, even on the same album etc. you'd probably be switching IR's / Guitar / Snare / etc. etc...

My point is that you have a soup.. I say, taste it.. does it need more pepper?
Find the combinations for yourself in the context of the song.. :)
There's no combination that you are looking for that will give you an ass kicking killer sound. There's a lot more that affects the sound of the guitar tone than the impulse itself. (skill, strings, actual quality of the instrument, the way you play, the style you play, quality of the DI, the setup of your amp, ampsim, the bass guitar and tone, the drums, quality of your preamp) basically everything dude. I would suggest what everyone else said. Just try and experiment and eventually you will find something you like
There's no combination that you are looking for that will give you an ass kicking killer sound. There's a lot more that affects the sound of the guitar tone than the impulse itself. (skill, strings, actual quality of the instrument, the way you play, the style you play, quality of the DI, the setup of your amp, ampsim, the bass guitar and tone, the drums, quality of your preamp) basically everything dude. I would suggest what everyone else said. Just try and experiment and eventually you will find something you like

agree, but fuck sake your crab gif makes me :goggly: