Guitarists? sorry for another....


His Dudeness
Jan 8, 2002
But i need some help.
I know there have been 1000000000 threads and posts on guitars and shit, but its all so mixed up, and for someone who sucks as bad as i do (and has ADD as bad as i do) i need it to be all nice and short and in the same spot.

So....Bob, Needled, alexifollower, fenrir, etc etc etc and on and on.......
if all you guitar players could help me (and actually a few friends of mine as well) by coming up with some sort of a plan for learning how to become (somewhat) better, i would be indefinately greatful. and i mean a semi-detailed (but appoximated) plan about where to start, what to learn, what to skip, how much to practice, and so on. i have such a short attentionspan that its hard to do anything without a piece of paper telling me what to do next. ya know?

again....sorry for the added thread, but if it becomes a problem and a lot of people are upset about it, it can always be deleted.
thanks again,
Well, I mean, everyone has their own way to me; sometimes a practice regime for one person won't work as well for another. But I'll tell you what has been working for me;

First, play a LOT. I try to get at LEAST an hour a day in, but some days I'll wail away for 2-3 hours if I can, like weekends. To get myself used to moving around the fretboard(again anyway) and to build up finger strength, I start by doing some scales around the neck, moving up and down, switching positions. Some excersises I do(forgive the bad tab)

First, this is using fingers 1 and 3


and keep doing this (basically it's like 8-10 on E, 8-10 on A, 8-10 on E again, 8-10 on A, 8-10 on D, then back to A, back to E, then E,A,D,G, and back down, till you get all the way to high E...then go back down bit by I guess it would look like:

and of course you can play these on any frets(I used 8 and 10 as an example just to show the tab), but you can use frets 1 and 3, 2 and 4, 12 and 14....

then I do this with different finger combinations...1 and 2, 1 and 4, 2 and 4, 3 and 4, 1,2, and 4, all of them, 1,3, and 4...I have found this has been helping to build up my finger speed and strength again. Take it slow and make sure the notes ring out ok before you up the speed of 'em.

When that comes easy I started moving the exercise up the neck gradually, going thru a run, then moving up some frets...of course you can do it backward to to get used to THAT kind of fingering...

I probably just gave a buttload of guitar teachers heart spasms since this isn't some sanctioned exercise and it doesn't really show you any theory or anything; it's simply used as an exercise to build up hand strength and coordination. You can try different picking with this too(downstrokes, upstrokes, alternating strokes...)

as for any theory let me get back to you on that cause the only theory I remember is how to form some basic scales(though I find inventing them works just as well...for me, anyway... :lol: :D)
there's no set way to progress at guitar...its only up to you as to choosing the path you want. If you want speed...get a metronome and just practice anything and everything, mainly chromatic runs, until your fingers bleed and your metronome is maxed out. You want creativity? study some jazz chord shapes, sweep some, learn different major and minor modes to add different flavors, etc.... There will always be someone better, and always someone that completely sucks. You will not become the best guitarist in the world. There will always be another out there trying to out do you. You have to just tell yourself that you wont let that happen , and you WILL be the best...that way you'll practice more, and see more improvements. Also remember that time isnt always as effective as you think. Sure, you can practice elementary stuff for 2 hours, but will it progress you any further? probably not. Just come home, sit down and start playing...dont focus on a specific area at first...if you have a problem area, build up to it..that way you get both the elementary stuff you already know, and you're tackling a new aspect at the same time. It's also good to have many influences...listen to as much music as you can. Every style you can'll see it in your playing before too long...whether you think about it or not... and its good to have one Idol as well.... I switch around, but for the better part of the past 3 years its been Alexi..and well, I've tried to cop his style without becoming him..has it worked? both yes and no..but i wouldnt go back. Just take your guitar and say "im gonna take on the world." the rest will follow in time =)
oh man, i'm such an'd be better if you played more instead of stuffing your face in your sig

and i'm TOTALLY kidding, it was just a really good come back, so DONT HATE ME!!! and I LOVE FOOD also
Man, some good finger exercises i know are.



-7-10-9-10-x10 then 7-10-8-10 x10 then -7-11-9-11 x10

That gets those positions working at what i would say is the hardest combination of notes.


always use all 4 fingers.