

New Metal Member
Jan 3, 2006
ive been playing around 4 years s/t but now im gonna start playing some cob. im good at rythem but leads i lack of. i tried the intro to bed of razors which im getting there but need advice on warmups etc..
whats the easiest cob song to start of with?
ive been playing mostly punk rock which rythem is no problem for me and a few months now ive been playing mostly metal.
thanxs in advance
winter_madness said:
ive been playing mostly punk rock which rythem is no problem for me

:lol: sorry, but i just couldn't help laughing at that.
I'm sorry, i don't really have anything useful to say since i don't play CoB.
Except a bit of Silent Night, Bodom Night. Up to the sweeps its pretty comfortable and easy playing, I'd say.
I can play them all, but then again I have no life and i sit and practise all day long, just work on your arpeggios starting with E minor and work to Dim7 and stuff like that, and after you get your arpeggios down, learn how to add tapping to the sweeps, just stuff like that, and practice runs slowly in legatio to work on your hammer on/pull off techniqus and then practice your picking motions so that when you combine it all you can haul ass and not sound like a fucking moron. it takes time, ive been doing it for 2 years now and it pays off, i can go into music stores and attract crowds of all ages so I guess im doing something right, but just practice your ass off and get books and stuff, if you really want to learn bodom songs go get the young guitar with alexi, I have it and although you cant read a fuckin thing cause its all in japaneese you can still read the tab/music
i jsut get bored of learning songs after a certian riffs. what i do is play my own music. sometimes i paly songs from bodom or somethin to try and find a style like. but i recommend playing your own stuff
i hadnt played bodom for a couple of years now!!! before hcdr was realeased :D
anyway if your good at rythms and sucks at solos, fuck the solos, every young and ev1l guitarish fella wants to play solos, but mostly non of them can take good rythm and accompanios riffs :)

lets fuck the solos, theyre overrated!!!!
BodomiC said:
i hadnt played bodom for a couple of years now!!! before hcdr was realeased :D
anyway if your good at rythms and sucks at solos, fuck the solos, every young and ev1l guitarish fella wants to play solos, but mostly non of them can take good rythm and accompanios riffs :)

lets fuck the solos, theyre overrated!!!!

or just learn to play everything and stop sucking
AlexiLiimatainen said:
idk, get John Petrucci's Rock Discipline and practice your ass off. Also atleast learn some basic theory so you know what to do once you've got some technique.

So... buy, download, or however you can obtain Rock Discipline, and go to your library or whatever and get a book on "basic music theory". It wouldn't hurt to take some lessons from a GOOD guitar teacher to get you started in the right direction.

Where can you buy that Rock Discipline? Whats on it?
Frozen Heart said:
or just learn to play everything and stop sucking

You win the internet.

Since all the older shit is harder, I would start with Needled 24/7. Even the solo is not bad, its the first Bodom solo I managed to play without fucking up. :D
Frozen Heart said:
I can play them all, but then again I have no life and i sit and practise all day long, just work on your arpeggios starting with E minor and work to Dim7 and stuff like that, and after you get your arpeggios down, learn how to add tapping to the sweeps, just stuff like that, and practice runs slowly in legatio to work on your hammer on/pull off techniqus and then practice your picking motions so that when you combine it all you can haul ass and not sound like a fucking moron. it takes time, ive been doing it for 2 years now and it pays off, i can go into music stores and attract crowds of all ages so I guess im doing something right, but just practice your ass off and get books and stuff, if you really want to learn bodom songs go get the young guitar with alexi, I have it and although you cant read a fuckin thing cause its all in japaneese you can still read the tab/music

:lol: sorry, but i just couldn't help laughing at that.