Gun laws in the great state of NY

And yes John, this is totally a cultural attitude toward government and the role of firearms. I don't expect to ever change someones mind on an internet forum. :lol:

What I meant is that the attitude towards firearms is actually a direct consequence of our attitude to government. A lot of americans see the government as the enemy, restricting their freedom, which is just fundamentally different to the majority european attitude in my experience.

Hence, when the government does something anti-firearms a lot of americans see this is an affront on their personal freedom, whereas many europeans see it as a welcome control on something dangerous.
we can't help but view the government as the enemy as a result of all of the shady shit they've done to the citizenry throughout our history!
BTW, it's incredibly difficult to legally own a handgun in this state. You will wait at least 6 months for a permit and said permit will heavily regulate how and what that firearm can be used for. Need a handgun for work (armed guard etc...) wait even longer and in some counties you can fucking forget it.

Anyhow rant over
May I ask why you need a handgun? Or in other words what other job(s) than (possibly) a police officer need a handgun?
^ Try being a contractor working in really shitty sections of cities.

or a private investigator

body guard / private security

Firearms instructor

Wildlife / Game Controller

any small business owner in less than ideal city locations
^ Try being a contractor working in really shitty sections of cities.

or a private investigator

body guard / private security

Firearms instructor

Wildlife / Game Controller

any small business owner in less than ideal city locations

Or just a regular guy who likes to shoot targets. In my country (Canada) you have to be a member of a shooting club to have the right to own a hand gun (or any prohibited firearm).

But to answer that guy's question, you don't need a reason to own a gun, you simply have the right to own a gun. If someone ask me why I own firearms I tell them its none of their business period.
^ yeah I was more specifically replying to the "job" part of his question ... listing hobbyists and enthusiasts didn't really work in that frame up but I completely agree with you
A gun is an inanimate tool, not deviant behavior. Crime is deviant behavior, not an inanimate tool. You cannot prevent deviant behavior by regulating tools because tools are incapable of behavior. The number of tools available to the world's deviants is endless.
I can kill a man with duct tape

Let's ban that

but duct tape, cars and so on weren't invented to kill, there's a huge difference, the only reason guns were
invented were to kill, the sports part was way later and the main reason to produce guns is still to kill people or
animals, that's it, sure guns don't kill people but the chance that you kill someone (even accidentally) if you
own a gun is higher than if you don't own a gun.
but duct tape, cars and so on weren't invented to kill, there's a huge difference, the only reason guns were
invented were to kill, the sports part was way later and the main reason to produce guns is still to kill people or
animals, that's it, sure guns don't kill people but the chance that you kill someone (even accidentally) if you
own a gun is higher than if you don't own a gun.

so were swords, spears & bows & arrows

they were only invented for the purpose of killing. The point being that from the time man has been able to create tools he's been creating weapons. So get rid of all the guns in the world ... people will just go back to using swords, spears and bows & arrows

take all of those away ... we still have our hands

and duct tape

in order to determine who should and shouldn't be allowed to carry or use weapons you'd have to be able to crawl through the minds of every individual. There are plenty of people who you might classify as being the ones who should be able to have / use a gun ... let's say military personnel. I could just as easily say there are plenty of military personnel who should NEVER be allowed to use a gun

its never gonna go away ... better to have regulations in place for people who choose to own a gun and are able to handle that responsibility properly than to say they can't because the people who are fucked to begin with are gonna get them regardless
Lets just take away all tools that can potentially cause harm to others regardless of what they where invented for and or what a person might use them as/for.

We need to outlaw life, in any form.
so were swords, spears & bows & arrows

they were only invented for the purpose of killing. The point being that from the time man has been able to create tools he's been creating weapons. So get rid of all the guns in the world ... people will just go back to using swords, spears and bows & arrows

take all of those away ... we still have our hands

and duct tape
However, you can't walk into a school class or a shopping center and kill several people in mere seconds with a sword or a bow, or duct tape... it's possible with a handgun. I doubt you can walk anywhere carrying a sword or a spear without people calling cops for you, you can do that with a handgun cause no one will notice it in your pocket. See the difference? The threshold of doing something stupid with handguns is a lot lower cause it's so easy.
I feel safe knowing that the overwhelming majority of people i meet day to day don't have any convenient deadly ranged weapons about their person. That's what gun control is about, it's about making it harder to kill people. Seems like a pretty worthwhile cause for a mature western nation, no?
Well I'm at home, browsing the interwebs. I can look up any means to kill people, specially in crowded places, if I'm willing to take the risk/die for my diluted cause/delusion/belief/ect, among a plethora of reasons. Lets ban information.

The root problem is people, as far as humans are concerned. Where do you draw the line? Moral arguments tend to get muddy in all types of "grey" areas.

I wish we could all come to terms and agree on some type of moral/social absolute but obviously we can't or wont agree.
Well I'm at home, browsing the interwebs. I can look up any means to kill people, specially in crowded places, if I'm willing to take the risk/die for my diluted cause/delusion/belief/ect, among a plethora of reasons. Lets ban information.

Dude, you're talking to someone who made a fully working musket aged 9 (made the powder too :) ), I know how easy it is to make a deadly weapon. Simple bombs are also easy.

The point is convenience. If you have a gun it's VERY easy to just go kill people if you suddenly feel the need to. If all you have is the internet and your kitchen cabinet you have to seriously premeditate and the end result will be unpredictable, awkward and probably a complete failure.
However, you can't walk into a school class or a shopping center and kill several people in mere seconds with a sword or a bow, or duct tape... it's possible with a handgun. I doubt you can walk anywhere carrying a sword or a spear without people calling cops for you, you can do that with a handgun cause no one will notice it in your pocket. See the difference? The threshold of doing something stupid with handguns is a lot lower cause it's so easy.

of course there's a difference but I could probably kill a couple people with a fucking knife if I really wanted to before anyone would be aware enough to do something about it ... and I can hide it just as easy

at this point I'm tapping out ... I'm not trying to change anybody's mind about it nor do I have the overwhelming need to be right. This topic has popped up far too many times and been hashed out far too many times with the same end result ... the people that have no problem with guns say they're fine to have, the people that don't like them say they're not

its a push
However, you can't walk into a school class or a shopping center and kill several people in mere seconds with a sword or a bow, or duct tape...

But you can do it with other readily available items like for example a lighter, a big squirt gun, some gasoline...

Or if you know your chemistry, you can make a bomb like many teenagers do for fun around here...