Gun laws in the great state of NY

Mine grew legs just the other day and walked out the door to shoot my neighbor. Had to smack me in the face first for the keys to the ammo though.

Then it went on a blow driven sexcapade where it blew away another 10 people.


I think you've made the point pretty clear. Though I'm assuming some one still won't get it. ;)
Am I the only person who think Europeans are brainwashed about guns?

First of all the thought that no one should have them or that they should be illegal: Lets say that all lawful citizens give up their firearms. Now who has them? The police and criminals. There will always be a black market or untraceable weapons. The citizens are completely helpless facing firearms until the police show up, which is enough time to be robbed, killed, burglarized, raped or whatever they want. Not to mention criminals/militants could easily outnumber the law enforcement and practically take over an area with no one to stop them.

People know not to burglarize houses where I live because they know what will happen. If that deterrent wasn't there this would be a terrible place. Not even cracked out junkies and methheads commit break ins or bother anyone around here because they know they will get pissed full of hot lead.

And another thing. The citizens with guns vs. invasive force idea that was brought up. Some folks are acting like armed people would be ineffective against an armed force. Why? Did you know that soldiers/nazis/assholes aren't magic and that they're just people who die when they're shot like everyone else? Did you know that becoming very effective with a weapon is very easy? Did you know that a population in an area will always outnumber any sort of incoming force?
You do realise that we have the right to bear arms? It's just where our governments draw the line as to what we realistically have practical use for that they differ.
I could perfectly legitimately own and store firearms that would be extremely effective in a personal defense scenario.
I don't know what it's like in other countries like Germany and Scandinavia for example, but I would imagine it's the case there too.

I think it's fair to say that a lot of people form very one sided opinions on the issue of guns, be it the "guns are bad, mkay?" or the tin-foil brigade with their own delusions of patriotic Yeomanry.
You do realise that we have the right to bear arms? It's just where our governments draw the line as to what we realistically have practical use for that they differ.
I could perfectly legitimately own and store firearms that would be extremely effective in a personal defense scenario.
I don't know what it's like in other countries like Germany and Scandinavia for example, but I would imagine it's the case there too.

I think it's fair to say that a lot of people form very one sided opinions on the issue of guns, be it the "guns are bad, mkay?" or the tin-foil brigade with their own delusions of patriotic Yeomanry.

sooooo true! (and it's almost the same in Germany ;) )

And it's not like there are less crimes in the USA just because the citizens are allowed to carry guns
so the criminals are afraid of getting shot...

It's ok to me if you want to get a gun to defend yourself, but there should be strict laws about getting
a gun. A good friend of mine went to Texas I think 10 years ago for a whole year and she would have
been able to buy a gun legally for the time she lived there-she was 16 at that time...why should a
16 year old girl from another country be legally able to buy a gun? she wasn't even ask where she stores
them or whatever...

Every gun that is sold in Germany legally has to be stored in a safe, the ammunation extra and it's
not that easy to get one, my dad for example owns a few guns, had to get a gun license, everything is
registered, due to the fact that he also owns a few old rifles that aren't usable, but could be repaired
he had to buy a special safe (around 500 pounds heavy, for a total of 5 guns) and he still wouldn't
be allowed to go shooting in his garden because you still could accidentally hurt or even kill someone.
It's ok to me if you want to get a gun to defend yourself, but there should be strict laws about getting
a gun. A good friend of mine went to Texas I think 10 years ago for a whole year and she would have
been able to buy a gun legally for the time she lived there-she was 16 at that time...why should a
16 year old girl from another country be legally able to buy a gun? she wasn't even ask where she stores
them or whatever...

You really don't mind the goverment dictating what you must do with your firearms in your house? Most people who own guns (that I know personally anyway) either keep them in a locked gun case, or use locking devices, or lock them to the wall. But the government doesn't intrude any further than suggesting that you do so.

Some of our requirements. Not sure if this is accross the country, but this is how it is in NYS:

No person, firm or corporation engaged in the retail business of selling rifles, shotguns or handguns, shall sell, deliver or transfer any such gun to another person unless the transferee is provided with a gun locking device and a label on safe storage.

Any business selling firearms must post a sign where the firearms are displayed or sold stating in bold print: “The use of a locking device or safety lock is only one aspect of responsible firearm storage. For increased safety firearms should be stored unloaded and locked in a location that is both separate from their ammunition and inaccessible to children and any other unauthorized person.”

All firearm exhibitors must conduct a national instant criminal background check prior to all firearm sales or transfers, including sales or transfers of rifles or shotguns at a gun show.

It is unlawful for any person convicted of a felony, other serious offense, or who been certified as not suitable to possess a rifle or shotgun (mentally incompetent) to possess a firearm.

(obviously those who buy guns for killing don't buy guns legally)

It is a felony for any person to manufacture, transport or dispose of a machine gun. It is a felony to buy, receive, dispose or conceal a machine gun that has been defaced for the purpose of concealment.

The presence in any room, dwelling, structure or vehicle of any machine gun is presumptive evidence of unlawful possession by all persons occupying the place where the machine gun is found.

A machine gun is defined as any weapon from which a number of shots or bullets may be rapidly or automatically discharged from a magazine with one continuous pull of the trigger and includes a submachine gun.

Which means that this:


Is not a machine gun. There are heavy restrictions on the above firearm in the state of NY though (very heavy, it's fucking rediculous).

Other stuff:

Any person lawfully in possession of a firearm who suffers the loss or theft of said weapon shall report the facts and circumstances of the loss or theft to a police department or sheriff ’s office within twenty-four hours of the discovery of the loss or theft.

Illegal possession of a loaded firearm is a class C violent felony, punishable by a minimum mandatory term of three and a half years and a maximum of fifteen years.

It is unlawful to discharge a firearm so as the load passes over any part of a public highway. It is a crime to possess any rifle, shotgun or handgun in or upon a building or grounds, used for educational purposes, of any school, college or university. It is lawful, however, to possess a rifle, shotgun or handgun in or upon the forestry lands, wherever located, owned and maintained by the State University of New York College of environmental science and forestry, without the written authorization of such educational institution.

It is unlawful to discharge a firearm within five hundred feet from a dwelling house, farm building or farm structure actually occupied or used, school building, school playground, or occupied factory or church.

It is unlawful to willfully discharge any firearm either in a public place, or in any place where there is any person to be endangered thereby.

It is a crime to intentionally point or discharge any firearm toward another person (except in self-defense), even if no malice or injury is involved.

It is a crime to deface or alter the serial number or any other distinguishing number or identification mark on any handgun, rifle or shotgun, or to buy, receive, or dispose of a defaced firearm. Possession of any firearm that has been defaced creates a legal presumption that the possessor committed the offense.

The presence of a firearm in a vehicle is presumptive evidence of its possession by all persons occupying the vehicle except if:

•the firearm is found upon the person of one of the occupants
•if the firearm is found in a vehicle operated for hire by a duly licensed driver, then the presumption will not apply to the driver
•the firearm found is a handgun and one of the occupants has in his possession a valid license to have and carry concealed.
It is unlawful to possess a bullet containing an explosive substance designed to detonate upon impact or possess any armor piercing ammunition with intent to use unlawfully against another.
In short, we have enough laws as it is and another ineffective feel good law isn't really going to do anything (as was the original goal of this thread, microstamping is retarded. Especially when a spent cart is sent to state police when you buy a handgun. The current laws are effective, politicians just feel that people need to see them making more pointless laws to earn thier rediculously high salaries.

EDIT: Actually, CoBIS was tossed out this year.
No, I don't mind it at all if the goverment is dictating something like that because a gun is able to kill
someone and there were enough cases were children played with guns in the USA and shot people.
enough cases were children played with guns in the USA and shot people.

In 2000, 174 children (0-18) in the United States died from unintentional firearm-related injuries.

In the United States, 1,236 children (0-18) died from drowning in 2000.

In the United States in 2000, 6,466 children (0-18) were killed in motor vehicle crashes.

Parents for the most part (can't speak for the stupid) don't need the goverment telling them that thier kids shouldn't be playing with thier firearms.
Am I the only person who think Europeans are brainwashed about guns?

I'm not brainwashed at all.

Lets say that all lawful citizens give up their firearms. Now who has them? The police and criminals. There will always be a black market or untraceable weapons. The citizens are completely helpless facing firearms until the police show up, which is enough time to be robbed, killed, burglarized, raped or whatever they want. Not to mention criminals/militants could easily outnumber the law enforcement and practically take over an area with no one to stop them.

We have less criminals. And we don't even have Death Penalty!!
You should try to reduce criminality instead of incresing the number of guns.
I've never seen a fucking gun in all my life except for police. I'd feel less safe if my neighbour had a gun to shoot armadillos in the garden.

People know not to burglarize houses where I live because they know what will happen. If that deterrent wasn't there this would be a terrible place. Not even cracked out junkies and methheads commit break ins or bother anyone around here because they know they will get pissed full of hot lead.

That's kind Chuck Norrisy way of speaking.

And another thing. The citizens with guns vs. invasive force idea that was brought up. Some folks are acting like armed people would be ineffective against an armed force. Why? Did you know that soldiers/nazis/assholes aren't magic and that they're just people who die when they're shot like everyone else? Did you know that becoming very effective with a weapon is very easy? Did you know that a population in an area will always outnumber any sort of incoming force?

Invasive forces? What? :zombie: So you think you are under attack.. or what?
Fear leads to anger; anger leads to hate; hate leads to suffering.
And we don't even have Death Penalty!!

Actually, while this is another separate issue I don't believe in the death penalty. Seems to have been proven ineffective and expensive so far.

And yes John, this is totally a cultural attitude toward government and the role of firearms. I don't expect to ever change someones mind on an internet forum. :lol:
Actually, while this is another separate issue I don't believe in the death penalty. Seems to have been proven ineffective and expensive so far.

maybe because there's so much bullshit attached to it that it generally takes like 20 years before someone is ACTUALLY put to death when handed the death penalty.

In the meantime of course they are cared for at our expense, food & privileges, generally have better healthcare provided to them on our dime and can even do shit like ... get married???

Just saw a doc on Richard Ramirez last night. The guy has been on death row since 1989. He got fucking MARRIED while on death row and is still hanging around apparently ...

So its ok for a confessed psychopath who murdered like 15 people in horrible ways plus attacked and raped over a dozen more to get married while on death row ... but gay people still can't get married in most places here

Sorry, didn't mean to go off topic