Guys quick - need good headphone suggestions

HD600 are a bit more neutral than HD650 (less veiled higher mids).

I don't know if they're really what you're looking for, but as long as you amp them right they'll sound great. They were the headphones I preferred amongst all I tested in a music store. (Naturally, I tested them against the HD650 too). IMO, the AKG's mentionned earlier in the thread weren't as good sounding, nor detailed. I reckon they had good mids but if mids were the only factor (assuming you don't mind open headphones), I'd go with an AKG K701. If you need balance all over the spectrum, you could go for HD600.
^You are talking about AKGs, right? The "monitor" edition has different impedance and something called Free Field Equalization if I'm not mistaken (Whatever that is...).
Actually, the ones I have are K240DF, which stands for Diffuse Field. AFAIK that means they are trying to emulate nearfield monitoring. Not sure though. Furthermore, these aren't labeled STUDIO nor MONITOR, but actually STUDIO-MONITOR and have the following text: "Diffusfeld - Entzerrt nach IRT - K240DF - 2 x 600 OHMS - Made in Austria."
This is what an AKG representative has to say about it:

"The K 240 DF is special version of the K240M. The K240DF is acoustically equalised to the diffuse sound field (this is what the suffix DF stands for).
They refer to such a sound field present in a reverberation chamber using third-octave filtered pink noise and measured in the close vicinity of the ear drum with a measuring probe.

The work of the IRT*) in Munich proposes a standard for headphone-monitoring calling for the diffuse field equalisation of monitoring headphones coming closest to loudspeaker monitoring, because there exist no current IEC or CCIR standard for such a system.

Especially at times, when program material is exchanged between stations internationally and the monitoring facilities vary greatly still, it looks extremely sensible to exclude the varying acoustical parameters of the different monitoring rooms and refer to standardised headphone monitoring when comparing program material.

The measuring method is explained in the proposal of the IRT*) to the German
Standards Commission (DIN 45619, part 3).

*) IRT- Institut f?r Rundfunktechnik (Institute for Broadcast Technology)"
Bought the Bayerdinamic 880 some time ago and they're just great. Really powerful on bass response and highs. I think they translate really fine everything you put on them. I haven't tried the ones people is talking about here, but I could only tell good things of the 880.:Spin:
Weren't the HD650s a direct successor to the 600s? I thought they were supposed to be a straight upgrade.

They were but more a change of character than an upgrade.

Their higher mids are slightly more veiled and "smoky". If that makes sense. Not cloudy at all, but still less neutral. (And costier.)
Ive got a pair of Beyerdynamic DT990's on my head right now they sound great to me and are so comfy i forget i have them on when im done listening :)
They were but more a change of character than an upgrade.

Their higher mids are slightly more veiled and "smoky". If that makes sense. Not cloudy at all, but still less neutral. (And costier.)

Couldn't compare the 650 to the 600 since they only had the hd650 at the store, but I like my HD650 very much. Really nice low end and highs.
100% truth about the upper mids that P-E mentioned, but I gotta say I got used to it really quick (not even 3 days I tihnk)
also: the 650 are SO comfortable to wear. It's a bless compared to my 20y old AKG 240 that I used to death before :lol:

Didnt like the DT880 that much, the sennheisers sounded tighter to me in the bass...they beyers also seemed a bit more "cloudy" as far as I can remember.