Headphone Suggestions - Take 3!


From this chart, the 840's seem just as mid scooped as the Beyers, except with a low-bass emphasis instead of a mid-bass emphasis. The 702's look interesting though.
Denons are sold.

Moving on. I'm thinking of checking out the AKG and Shure lines. I've been hearing some ok things about the SRH-840 and the Quincy Jones models. Thoughts?

Actually went back to the store I purchased my Q701s from and compared them again to the K701s. Q701s have a little more lower-midrange in them, the K701s have a slightly nicer presence range. K701s also have the advantage of a slightly (but noticeably) better transient response, and better seperation. Percussion jumps out just that little bit more on the K701s.

Don't know if that makes the K701s a better mixing headphone; DEFINITELY a better listening headphone. They never have a set of K701s to try out of the box, but apparently they've got the same lower-midrange as the K701s, with a slightly different top-end and the detachable cable (also on the Q701s).
Never heard Ermz's own experience with Ultrasone >.> I don't work for them, I swear. I would kill to own ANYTHING better than my current headphones, but if he's looking to balance bass, they seem like the logical phones to go to. Pick up some PRO900s (or the 2900 for open back) and give us your thoughts! The midrange I've heard is recessed unless it mates well with the amp, but it can be brought up by putting some self-adhesive felt over some of the holes under the outer grille.

Or the PROline 650. Checked frequency response graphs, and compared to the ATH M50 it's incredibly similar. The dip in the lows is around an octave lower, but... :shrug: The graph doesn't tell all. Would be worth a shot though, I think. While that model is discontinued, I think the PRO750 is what replaced it, and is essentially similar
Inquiring with the local distributor of Stax headphones now. Very keen to try a pair of these: http://www.stax.co.jp/Export/SR009e.html

Their inability to articulate themselves in English inspires confidence about their dedication to their craftsmanship. You can generally judge quality by how fundamentally Japanese something is.

Will keep the Ultrasones in mind down the track. Cheers for the reminder.
No prob! And I edited my post. I meant to say a discontinued model was similar to the ATH, but in my editing frenzy I left out the model.
Hey Ermz, not sure if they've been mentioned yet but have a look at the Charter Oak SP1's. Just got home from ye olde shoppe after listening to them (and A/B'ing some Opals) and thought they might be up your alley. Really nice, round low end, would be great for referencing on. Mid/top end wasn't anything amazing though, was a bit harsh to my ears. Worth a listen if you have a dealer nearby.
I don't know if anyone has suggested it already but have you considered getting a pair of custom molded in ears? I have some UE-5s from Ultimate Ears and they sound absolutely fucking incredible.

They also have a version that was made with capital records to be as flat as possible, might be worth looking in to.

Plus no one else can use them :lol:
I have listen, 3 years ago, to a prototype of electrostatic headphone, made by 4 students in their 2nd years technical degree in microtechnic, IIRC it sounded very good campraed to my old sony mdr 7505, not so much volume in the low end, but with the low shelf rised of the hi-fi amp, the low end was equilibrated.