Hail To Our Victims In Iraq...

Miolo, you should know that our soldiers in Iraq weren't there for the same reasons of the americans one. Our soldier were there for peace-keeping, not to kill iraqy people. That's way I felt so bad about this attack. When they attacked an american chopter I was sad for those young boys, but i also thougth "That'war man!". But in Nassyria was definitely a terroristic act and not a war act.


Ps. Miolo, who reads your words hardly could say that we are great friends.... :D
rahvin said:
in fact, this shouldn't have been a "war" at all
I agree totally, you can blame the americans for your countrymen
dying, it wasn't the Iraqies who killed them, it was Bush and the
US oilmen inc.
Yes, Italy has a black day in their calendar from now on. I'd like to say that I agree very much on what Magsec4 says (we could also mention the contras in Nicaragua and other interventions in other South American countries, more or less openly performed). There wasn't anything red in Saddam's Baathparty (except for the bloodstains on their executioners clothes), and as a very small comfort, G.W. Bush didn't say there was either.

But what I want to say (this above is mostly sad ramblings) is that many parts of our society treats people different, depending on which country their born in. When I've been reading my newspaper (a Swedish one, that is) the latest month (after the Iraqi war took "end") I've seen notices and articles for every single American who had been killed, but for what I know nobody hasn't even cared to find out how many Iraqians (soldiers, civilians) which was killed in the war.

This makes me angry and sad. Only because someone lives in an other place, has less education and wealth and different manners and habits, we in the western culture doesn't even bother to count him.
Child of Time said:
I've seen notices and articles for every single American who had been killed, but for what I know nobody hasn't even cared to find out how many Iraqians (soldiers, civilians) which was killed in the war.

This makes me angry and sad. Only because someone lives in an other place, has less education and wealth and different manners and habits, we in the western culture doesn't even bother to count him.
Well, I think that in this case, most of those articles are from US
news, which is the kind that tends to over-hype everything to do
with their country.
And of course to most people each Iraqi killed is one less potential

I having fun at how well this war is going for US, already more US
troops killed than in the first one. I am seeing the changes for
re-election of Bush slipping to the minus side.
I used this thread because of two reasons: 1st to express my bad feeling about what happened to our soldiers, 2nd to know a little bit the kind of people that post in this forum. So I can say that there are people that I'd like to know better because I like them. I also confirmed my godd impression about rahivin, You're a very smart man as i thought. Obviously the greatest surprise was the guy that I was supposing to know better... Miolo in the real life doesn't express his idea so strongly, it was a shock for me to see how hard were his ideas...

they should resolve conflicts thru multiplayer videogames... one big LAN party on Battlefield1942 game where americans and iraqi would play for their leader/gov. I already foresee who got the more practice on this shit... perhaps that's not a good idea, as geometries are grand for everybody: Ak47 and M16's are grand for everybody
this obviously goes out to the victims of the terrorist strike in iraq. and to those here who know the song and appreciate the ideal behind it (hyena, siren...)

passive fields
january two thousand and three
a nation that stands alone
cold voices, faces pale
gathered unto their judgement day
such pride remains unbroken
such words remain unspoken
just mothers to stand in vain and cry
tears and medals in the rain
shall i recall when justice did prevail?
no reason to be found why reason did fail
the all clear resounding
the way was clear to rebuild this land

shall i call on you to guide me well
to see our hopes and dreams fulfilled?
on this day of our ascension

stand your ground, this is what we're fighting for
for our spirit and laws and ways
cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war:
for heaven or hell we shall not wait
shall i think of honour as lies?
or lament its aged slow demise?
shall i stand as a total stranger
on this day in this stone chamber?

the all clear resounding
the way was clear to rebuild this land

shall i call on you to guide me well
to see our hopes and dreams fulfilled?
on this day of our ascension
on this day​
we praise the fallen​

stand your ground, this is what we're fighting for
for our spirit and laws and ways
cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war:
for heaven or hell we shall not wait
shall i think of honour as lies?
or lament its aged slow demise?
shall i stand as a total stranger
on this day in this stone chamber?

stand your ground, this is what we're fighting for
for our spirit and laws and ways
cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war:
for heaven or hell we shall not wait
shall i think of honour as lies?
or lament its aged slow demise?
shall i stand as a total stranger
on this day in this stone chamber?