Halo 3


New Metal Member
Jul 17, 2005
Woodland Hills California
Who has played? Whats your thoughts? Who has XBL? Whats your Addy? and what do you think of these unlockable armor sets?

and for all you halo bashers/non-players this thread is not for you so gtfo. but if you want to talk about the game you are welcome <3
I beat it on Heroic already moving on to legendary tomorrow. So you beat it on all difficulties already?

Naw I just did it on normal. Gonna aim for Legendary when I have less work to do and more time.

What's your gamertag? We could to co-op sometime if the timezone differences dont make things retarded :p
Beat it, loved it. Wish it didnt have to end lolol but o well. I love the new armor holy crapp. cortana is one hot hologram
im pretty sure my brother is currently shitting his pants over this game and taking a well needed Madden Break :erk:
all my live i only had a MegaDrive, fancy games are for poseurs
i beat it a few days ago i didnt like the ending but fucking amazing last level. any one who has xbox live message me your gametag and ill add you
Yeah, if you complete it on legendary then there is secret ending showing what happens to the cheif. I aint tellin though.
Yeah, if you complete it on legendary then there is secret ending showing what happens to the cheif. I aint tellin though.

fuck that i beat it on easy so i could see the story as fast as possible and now i could care less about the campaign. my only interest is in the online play. btw i can also youtube the secret ending