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hepi bört dey tu yu
mandalina suyu
çişini yap öyle uyuuu
hepi bört dey tu yuu
its for alllu (in turkisch:P)

puhahahaha!:lol: you're disgusting brother!(türkler burayı da bastı lan:))

we love you...-Turkish Fans-
Happy birthday Allu! I hope you`re having great time tonight and that your liver won`t get fucked up so soon because of drinking. (Dunno if it`s too late because here is still 8th, so should it be in Finland)
Peeps, something's wrong. WHERE'S LADY_LAIHO??!??!? The closest thing we got was Lady_Laiho in training, the girl from Canada (but hopefully Finland someday! LOLZ!). I was hoping for some entertainment. Come out and play, lovie!

:rolleyes: ::wait for it...::

It'd be funny if she didn't remember his birthday. hehe. Bad fangirl, BAD!
(tip : no more AYDY and american stuff ;)

You got a problem with america? yeah the aydy vid was emo..i'll admit. but there are emo ppl all over the worlddddd so if that's what you meant, stfu you fucker. i just fucking hate every1 who hates america. god fucking damn it

LOLROFL above was jk! but seriously, why no more american stuff?
Peeps, something's wrong. WHERE'S LADY_LAIHO??!??!? The closest thing we got was Lady_Laiho in training, the girl from Canada (but hopefully Finland someday! LOLZ!).

Look who's talking... "Lady Raatikainen" :rolleyes:

And Im never gonna become like Lady_Laiho. I'm not in love with Alexi and never will be. I just like him a lot as a musician.
Cus it sucks mmkay

what's so bad about it? the only thing i dont like about america is (at least where i live) there are people walking around everywhere wearing $200 jeans and a $79 shirt, they're white, and they listen to rap. pisses me off.

"yo homie G in the house lets go get it poppin and bawlin in dah hood yo!" -poser

"wow..whitest thing ever." -me
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