hepi bört dey tu yu
mandalina suyu
çişini yap öyle uyuuu
hepi bört dey tu yuu
its for alllu (in turkisch)

we love you...-Turkish Fans-
hepi bört dey tu yu
mandalina suyu
çişini yap öyle uyuuu
hepi bört dey tu yuu
its for alllu (in turkisch)
puhahahaha!you're disgusting brother!(türkler burayı da bastı lan
we love you...-Turkish Fans-
(tip : no more AYDY and american stuff![]()
You got a problem with america? yeah the aydy vid was emo..i'll admit. but there are emo ppl all over the worlddddd so if that's what you meant, stfu you fucker. i just fucking hate every1 who hates america. god fucking damn it
LOLROFL above was jk! but seriously, why no more american stuff?
Peeps, something's wrong. WHERE'S LADY_LAIHO??!??!? The closest thing we got was Lady_Laiho in training, the girl from Canada (but hopefully Finland someday! LOLZ!).
Look who's talking... "Lady Raatikainen"![]()
And Im never gonna become like Lady_Laiho. I'm not in love with Alexi and never will be. I just like him a lot as a musician.
Cus it sucks mmkay