Happy St. Patricks

Hell yeah!
Just watched UC stomp all over Iowa,
Getting crunk,
UK going down next!
Happy Pattys day to one and all.
I like that Guiness tv spot that has the guys running down the stairs like Christmas morning.
So how is everyone feeling? I am bright eyed and bushy tailed. I did not go and drink last night. I was checking through my class syllabus last night and there was just no way that I could skip class and go out and drink. Which is probably a good thing because I would have probably overdone it and I would be hurting real bad right now. Did anyone see or do anything crazy for St. Patty's?
Ate Corned Beef & Cabbage with my daughter at "Three Angry Wives" an Irish pub/restraunt here in Vegas. Had to go there out of principle. What a great name! Then, went home and went to bed early.
Man, it looks like the the whole board went out and painted the town brown last night. There has been hardly any activity on the forum today. Bunch a drunk asses:tickled: :kickass: :kickass: To quote Family Guy: "I'm not hungover. I'm just wicked tired from drinking all night."