Happy Thanksgiving!!!


Rebel Scum
Feb 14, 2002
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Tomorrow, I get up at 7am, play football, drink beer and Wild Turkey until about noon. This has been a tradition for the past nine years for me, and I look forward to it all year. After football, I go face my family drunk, bloody and covered in mud, eat my turkey, drink my wine and take a long nap on me mum's couch. Damn I love Thanksgiving!!!!
By the way, if you live in the Cincinnati area, we meet at Princeton High School and start playing around 8:00. There are usually about 100-150 guys there and we play a full-contact, single-elimination tournament, with pick-up games going on all day. The cops never bother us and the school doesn't mind. BYOB, although there's usually plenty to go around....


Hope you all have a good one.

I play football tomorrow, and when I wake up from my hangover the next day, I'll start to feel the pain. Then it's healing time the rest of the weekend.:lol:
Happy Thanksgiving.

Getting up at 7am to play football sounds like insanity to me. I have a hard enough time getting up at 7:30 to fix breakfast and put Sesame Street on, and that doesn't require getting dressed. Napping on the couch RULES!! (Til your kid comes and stares at you til you wake up, that is.)
My wife said I didnt have to go to the inlaws...so I didn't. The downside is no yummy food. The upside is I'm not bored out of my mind wasting a day away. Well, I might be wasting a day away but its doing something I like. I went to a movie "THEY" it sucked dont bother. Then I went home ate a Tonys pizza and watched the DVD that came with the sum 41 disc and am now playing on the computer drinking beer. Just a nice day off.
I love those kinds of day, when you got the whole day alone! They rock.
My wife, who gets those days very rarely, enjoys cleaning when she does!
She's brainwashed, I swear.
I like making a mess if anything.
Originally posted by bRaTpRiNcEsS
Happy Thanksgiving.

Getting up at 7am to play football sounds like insanity to me. I have a hard enough time getting up at 7:30 to fix breakfast and put Sesame Street on, and that doesn't require getting dressed. Napping on the couch RULES!! (Til your kid comes and stares at you til you wake up, that is.)

It is insanity, but my motto is "Work hard, play hard." It was freezing cold, but the ground was still soft so it was very muddy. I was actually up to my ankles in places. My whole body aches, but damn I can't wait until next year....

Originally posted by Lordlindsey
I love those kinds of day, when you got the whole day alone! They rock.
My wife, who gets those days very rarely, enjoys cleaning when she does!
She's brainwashed, I swear.
I like making a mess if anything.

Yeah, I'd say she has some problems there. :grin:

"THEY" looks like it sucks anyway, so now I definitely won't bother. To me, it looks like Wes Craven ripped himself off trying to do some Freddy-like dream shit.

It was nice this year only having one dinner to go to. We skipped my parents' house because my entire family has been acting very stupid the last several weeks, and it was nice not having to rush around.
Wes Craven didnt do any thing to that movie besides lend his name. Why he did that I have no idea. I guess they figured it would help sell tickets and he would make some easy cash.