Hardcore(5150) all new

Sounds decent. The drums need to be quantized a little more. Sound kind of loose right now. Also the bass sounds a bit clippy as in there are certain notes that stick out more than others.. Perhaps a little more compression would sound good.

I really like the rawness of the track. Don't know if you were going for it, but I dig it.. But I hate the autotune (Sorry) :(
Yeah man like i think a lot of my mix's i have been doing have a raw edge sound to them idk, i guess thats just sorta my sound when i mix.

But i agree haha i do not like the autotune, but again this is a band that paid me and thats what they wanted, and honestly it sounds better with it then without trust me lol.

yeah im having a little trouble know how i should comp the bass, i just did it to the best that i knew, the guitars needed to sound very full so i just boosted the volume on the bass quit abit.
Band's are so dumb, just don't have singing if you can't sing and need that much autotune. That's really the only thing I'm not liking in the mix very much.