Harry Potter and the Deathly Gallows: WARNING:SPOILERS

Thanks for adding the spoiler part mate, cuz I didnt dare to go on COBOT since I saw the words ''Harry Potter'' in the Thread name.
Fuckin dudes on youtube spoiling stuff....I liked the book, Voldemort is teh_grim with his horcruxes, I think harry is a pussy :lol:
well I don't know how many poeple read the books but this is the thread to discuss the book. I thought it was good, perhaps a little confusing at points. The only thing I am really confused about is what happened after Harry had sacrificed himself. Like how could he come back to life?
can anyone explain this simply?

also discuss your thoughts about the book.

I thought someone owed Harry a life debt. I never read any of the books, but a friend of mine has pretty much told me the entire story.