Harvest Background vocal-line


Beneath The I
What is Mike singing in the background vocal-line during the last chorus of the song "Harvest" (Recorded version on Blackwater Park)?

Does anyone know?
I love that part, it's fucking awesome. Im not sure if he even is saying anything, it just sounds like a soft moan, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was.
release your grip... something something

there were threads on this subject before, check em out by doing a search
and what about the background vocals in the funeral portrait? when mike sings "and you are just like them all" for the second and last time.....
I love those background vocals. Ans whats with all of that gibberish at the end of "By The Pain I See In Others". I guess its in Swedish or something, but it still sounds cool.
Wow, I thought it (the end of of By The Pain I See In Others) was just some random babbling. Although it sounded like an islamese call to prayer. You know, some guy yells like that in the top of a huge tower and everybody knows that it's the time to bow to Mecca and pray... Sorry about my imagination. :D
The background vocals on the last chorus for Harvest is as follows:
"Release your grip now, let me go, into this night."
That is an official statement from michael, not just a wild guess.
So now you know.
Also, the background vocals on The funeral portrait is:
"And you are just like them all, stained by the name of fathers.
Im greeting my downward fall, leaving the throes for others."
Read the lyrics, will ya? :p
By the pain I see in others:

Htaed otni yaw eht dael
Won resolc
Peels rof gnol
Gnivael dna
Yawa gnidaf

Tuohtiw Od Nac I Tahw
Em Gniwohs
Thgil Laerehte
Raeppasid Dna
Edaf Sruoloc
Ecnart Gnihtoos

read it backwards...
Sounds like "we leave your". And then he "main" vocal is "halo of death". So it may be "we leave your halo of death", but does that make any sense?
ShroudOfDusk said:

I'm sorry for my really bad English, I mean the religion Islam. Maybe I shouldn't talk about things I don't know in a language I don't understand. :rolleyes:
splump said:
Also, the background vocals on The funeral portrait is:
"And you are just like them all, stained by the name of fathers.
Im greeting my downward fall, leaving the throes for others."
Read the lyrics, will ya? :p

Yeah, I know the lyrics.. but you obviously don't understand what I mean. What I meant was what's sung in the background during that part (the second time those lines are sung), with a "telephone" effect on Mikael's voice, and it's quite clear that the lyrics aren't the same.... get it this time???
It's a part of Master's Apprentices played backward.

I read that it was a verse in Wreath played backward, but whatever. I think it's cool that someone figured this out, but I'm mad, because that leaves nearly no mystery to anything Opeth does at all. Of course, in 10 years, a new generation will have to figure it out all over again. So, I don't mind much.
QUOTE: "The background vocals on the last chorus for Harvest is as follows:
"Release your grip now, let me go, into this night."
That is an official statement from michael, not just a wild guess.
So now you know."

Cool, I have ALWAYS wondered what that was, I'll have to go and listen to it now. Where did Mikael make that statement? Just in a magazine interview somewhere?