Has anyone ever tried meditation?

I happen to agree with both of you.. which is why i thought that quote was a bit odd. I mean, he's encouraging people to make assumptions with logical thinking.. or that's how i understand it.
I apologize for my lack of participation, I've been busy this week, and this is a thread which I truly care about so I want to participate. I hope to get a bit of free time at the end of today to reply to some of your stuff.


PS: Buddha was so incredibly wise and insightful that his impact on the world simply cannot be measured, and even today he remains the #1 person who is most commonly made into statues (even more than Jesus, amazingly). One thing everyone must realize right off the bat is that Buddha was a man and never claimed to anything more than just a man. Even when people worshipped like a Hindu God he insisted he was only a human and nothing more. What a guy. The Buddha is a symbol of peace, death, compassion, and absolute fearlessness, which is a hell of a lot more than can be said of the symbols of those middle eastern religions (ick).
Satori said:
I apologize for my lack of participation, I've been busy this week, and this is a thread which I truly care about so I want to participate. I hope to get a bit of free time at the end of today to reply to some of your stuff.


PS: Buddha was so incredibly wise and insightful that his impact on the world simply cannot be measured, and even today he remains the #1 person who is most commonly made into statues (even more than Jesus, amazingly). One thing everyone must realize right off the bat is that Buddha was a man and never claimed to anything more than just a man. Even when people worshipped like a Hindu God he insisted he was only a human and nothing more. What a guy. The Buddha is a symbol of peace, death, compassion, and absolute fearlessness, which is a hell of a lot more than can be said of the symbols of those middle eastern religions (ick).
Great :)