
Yes sir. Although I haven't gone to group meditation yet.

The only problem I have with meditation is my fucking neck... I got spinal degeneration up there (i.e. whiplash) a few months ago and the muscles are all fucked up, so when I sit for long periods of time my neck hurts like hell afterwards. I dunno what to do about it, maybe lean against a wall or something?
Dick Sirloin said:
Yes sir. Although I haven't gone to group meditation yet.

The only problem I have with meditation is my fucking neck... I got spinal degeneration up there (i.e. whiplash) a few months ago and the muscles are all fucked up, so when I sit for long periods of time my neck hurts like hell afterwards. I dunno what to do about it, maybe lean against a wall or something?

Probobly somthing to talk to a doctor and priest about, as one has extensive knowledge of muscles, and the other has extensive knowledge about meditation aches and pains.

So, still practicin' at all?
Meditation is wonderful and anyone who hasn't tried it should give it a shot if they're even slightly interested. This isn't some new age pretentious bullshit, anyone could benefit from it!
Do you meditate regularly Demilich?

Nah. My girlfriend got interested in it as a way of dealing with the grief resulting from the loss of her dad and brother, and I tried it out a few times with her. Just simple mindfullness and body scanning and stuff. Pretty much slowing things down, closing your eyes, and paying a lot more attention to yourself, breathing slowly... it really does wonders for ya!

I'd like to do it more in the future but I got out of it for a while so I'll have to devote more time to it in the future!

edit: this video is very interesting!
Nah. My girlfriend got interested in it as a way of dealing with the grief resulting from the loss of her dad and brother, and I tried it out a few times with her. Just simple mindfullness and body scanning and stuff. Pretty much slowing things down, closing your eyes, and paying a lot more attention to yourself, breathing slowly... it really does wonders for ya!

I'd like to do it more in the future but I got out of it for a while so I'll have to devote more time to it in the future!

edit: this video is very interesting!
I hear ya, it's very easy to loose the determination to meditate.
my form of meditation is quite simple, and something i've been doing for years. contemplation might be a more fitting term actually. anyhow, what i do is i lay down and stare at the cottage cheese ceiling, not listening to music, not with the TV on, not with my bass, etc. just lay there and stare at the blank ceiling and think about life. i'm the type of person that feels that if i'm not actively engaging in something (reading, music, talking, beering, etc.) i'm wasting time, and time is fleeting. this is why i don't like to sleep much, it's wasted time. but every so often, and i try to do it once a week but oftentimes i'll go several months, i stare at the cottage cheese.


dude won't sleep much 'cause its a waste of time and he has 31,000 posts on a heavy metal forum? Priorities!

edit: i don't know how i missed this thread before, its funny