So I'm drinking a good American beer


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage
I've never in my life tasted a good American beer, so this evening I thought I would find out what all the hype was about, so today I bought a Sam Adams Summer Ale! It's a wheat ale with lemon shitz and it's pretty fucking good. FIVE STARS! You ROKK ON now I just need some Magic hat and other fun shitz

Now time to have a snus and drink a bottle of gin and get fucked up, life is ace in Sweden at the moment :headbang:
Erik said:
I've never in my life tasted a good American beer, so this evening I thought I would find out what all the hype was about, so today I bought a Sam Adams Summer Ale! It's a wheat ale with lemon shitz and it's pretty fucking good. FIVE STARS! You ROKK ON now I just need some Magic hat and other fun shitz

Now time to have a snus and drink a bottle of gin and get fucked up, life is ace in Sweden at the moment :headbang:


PS: Sam Adams is from my home city :headbang:
Last night I was talking to a friend of mine at this get together thingy and I said "snus." He was all "WTF?!" I was just like "oh, yeah, nevermind..."
ya, Sam Adams is pretty good. I'm not into the dark beers like a lot of you. I didn't like Guinness that much.

Amber Bock is pretty good. I also like Budweiser. Can't stand Bud Light, Coors Light, Miller Light and all those Lights. Shiner Bock is also awful.

I loves me some Corona and Dos Equis, though they're "Mexican" beers.
Sam Adams is good stuff, the only real quality big American brewer.

Hobgoblin is good stuff, perfectly great no frills ale for a nice summer day.

Mexican beer is definitely very much like lemonade. I like Negra Modelo the best.
I'd say it tastes more like piss. :loco:

It serves a purpose, it's cheap, it's light, and you can add hot sauce and lime to it to actually increase the enjoyment.
Absolutely! Even shit like Pacifico tastes good with a few drops of Alberto's red sauce in there. :headbang:
Mexican beer is good stuff. Corona with lime. Makes me feel like I'm on vacation.

I don't know how anyone can drink warm beer. I mean, c'mon, warm beer. Please.
Room temperature is how stouts and other dark beers NEED to be consumed. But like JayK once said, room temp in London is a lot different than room temp in Southern California. :loco:

My method for stouts, bitters, porters, and belgians is to put them in the fridge for about 30 minutes before consumption, then pour the bastard into A PROPER FUCKING GLASS (ugh, drinking these types of beers out of the bottle is for simians :Smug: ), wait about 20 minutes, then enjoy. Unless it's around 50ºF ambient temperature, in which case I don't bother with the fridge, just drink it straight from the cupboard.

Mexican beers, IPAs, and other lighter beers need to be ICE cold, otherwise you might as well drink your own urine. But not stouts, bitters, porters, and belgians.
It is the best American beer ever... hands down.

One Inch Man said:
It serves a purpose, it's cheap, it's light, and you can add hot sauce and lime to it to actually increase the enjoyment.

For real? Sounds quite cool!