Has the backlash begun? BWBK'S Deliverance review

uhhh.. I doubt they'll think of this album as rushed..

and interesting to hear others talk about voivod influences, I thought I was crazy for turning to thoughts of voivod when listening to the album.

and he likes BWP more?? I think he hasnt listened to the album enough times yet :rolleyes:
Well... I haven't heard the new one yet. But, I don't think Opeth is beyond rushing out an album. Still Life was rushed, Mikael said that most of the material was developed in the studio. BWP was also developed in a matter of weeks. The only albums that really were fully fleshed out were Orchid and Morningrise. The songs were played and developed for years before they were recorded.
Now that Opeth has actual gigs (a lot of them)... it might make sense that less time is available for writing fully fleshed out songs...

Just a thought anyway...
Deliverance seem nothing like rushed to me.

I still haven't learned to love and cherish Blackwater Park. It has excellent songs - hell, they're all great - but I still can't see it as the masterpiece so many claim it to be. It's almost the same with Still Life for me; great songs but I can't get into it no matter how much I listen to it.

But Deliverance - it struck me as "excellent" during my first listen, and now, ten to twenty listens afterwards, it goes even beyond that. I must have listened to BWP for at least two hundred times, but still it doesn't click. :confused:
That was a generous review, w/ some accurate points. But Ill wait for the album to be officially released, b4 I rip into this sub par mediocre album. BWP is far better than this one, and Deliverance does sound VERY rushed, from the riffs, to the compositions...the saving grace of the album is the drumming.
Of course the album was rushed you fucktards, they had like 4-6 weeks to record TWO completely different albums, you don't think that is hard?
Your all freaking out over that line but your missing the point, he still liked it and he still gave it a 8.5
Your blowing that one line way out of context.
Rushed? The word came to mind... but having listened to it as a whole in excess of 5 times, one being just now I have to say, no.

I also refuse to compare it to BWP or SL. It's too early in the game to do that and it's so different that it is almost impossible. I find that Deliverance is alot more seamless... the parts merge together very well and they've just got that new edge to their sound, because Mikael's vox have been improved greatly (despite the megaphone effect).
I think that the new album is very strong and is still miles ahead of must metal nowadays, but I really think that BWP and Still Life have more depth. The songs sound a bit repetitve sometimes, especially at the end of a few of them. I have listented to it many times now, and it is not growing on me like the last 2 did. I truly beleive it has something to do with the recording of 2 albums at once. I starting to wonder if maybe they should have tried to release both albums at the same time? Seems like it would have provided the depth it is lacking.