

Sep 7, 2001
What, if anything, do you genuinely hate? Is there anything that if it were removed from existence you would experience not a single shred of remorse, only joy that it was gone.

I gave this a great deal of thought and I do not think I truly hate anything. Nothing as of yet has done anything that would cause in me pure pleasure to see it gone. I wonder with all the evils of humanity, past and present, if I am too passive, am I seeing hate as being more complex than it really is, or am I simply unable to express this emotion called hate. For example, I know the horrific tortures the Jews and others had to endure in concentration camps during the second World War, but I personally do not know anyone who carried out these acts, should I still hate anyone who did? How can I pass judgment upon someone or something when I know nothing other than a few actions performed under volatile circumstances? I wonder if someone killed my mother, would I truly hate him or her?
I hate people :) Well not really but I really hate snobish people but that´s problably just me being jealous of the rich, the famous and the beautiful. But on a side note. this is not about hate. But I saw some fashion show the other day (while surfing the channels don´t like those shows!!!!) and I was wondering how mortyfying it is to be a model, you are just there as a human coat hanger so to speak. The people couldn´t care less about you, just the clothes you are showing ( I often wonder if the designer just robbed soem hobo of his rags, these clothes are just stupid and cost a fortune) and models don´t have to have any talent, their only goal is to be beautful and walk like they have websters dictionary up their asses (now that is a big book!). Ok I admit it this is about hate, I do hate the fashion industry. I´m sorry if I have offended any fans of these shows or the industry, but then again I don´t think any of those people frequent the metal forums. :lol:
In regards to concepts, probably what really gets my blood boiling is ignorance, especially apathy about ignorance. In regards to places, I hate Sylmar, CA. 10 years here is 9 too many. In regards to people, it's super, ultra-conservative religious nutjobs. I also hate music that was made by idiots who don't really take music seriously. Out of those things, probably my maximum hatred goes toward apathy about ignorance. I really can't stand that.
I hate the media. (at least how it is today)

Yeah, I want to know what't going on in the world, but the media has soured me. I don't like propaganda, and I feel that's all I get.

So, even if I was without knowledge, I think I'd still be better off without the media.
Cats, the smell when u piss a skid mark off a toilet bowl..so actually skid marks on toilet bowls and cheap confectionary.
What is it that drives ppl to buy cheap, inferior confectionary?
"i hate cruelty...towards humans, but particularly towards animals."

humans, animals...um...same thing
we are no better then animals and animals are no better then us

now, what do i hate...
i hate stupidity and the shallow human consciousness. we're all stupid, we only uses 10% of their brains, but we think we're great. i don't think anyone would miss being stupid, myself included. i also hate anything that ends in "-ism" because then i'll know that its just a group of intolerant people who thnk they're right and everyone else is wrong.
animals aren't evil...it's simply not in their instincts to be so.
humans, on the other hand, are capable of commiting some of the most shameful, horrible crimes imaginable.

i know that scientifically, humans are bunched into the category of animals, but surely you knew what i meant? ;)
Originally posted by bleedingskeptic
"i hate cruelty...towards humans, but particularly towards animals."

humans, animals...um...same thing
we are no better then animals and animals are no better then us

this picture and tiny artical that has cause to feel sick to my stomach and cry twice since i saw it yesterday.
the picture is
here .

its from the november 2001 issue of national geographic.

when i look at it, i wish i was that animal- it goes too deep to explain, and i want to sleep tonight. but im not being righteous or anything, im damn pathetic and i know it.
but anyways, i cant hate the people who do that.
i just fucking hurt too much inside to hate anything when i see it. and its just one tiny example...

but no, i disagree with you, animals are better than we are. because we should fucking know better.
Ignorance, the type of behaviour and person shown by Hatebringer (Easier than writing a long exolanation), the expectation that some peoople have that men should not show emotion,s be hard etc. poeple trying to force their views on others, hate, etc.
Originally posted by Advent

Speaking of food, as I have stated before, there is only one true evil on this planet, black liquorice. I must therefor recant a portion of my original post in this thread. I truly hate black liquorice :D.
Originally posted by Misanthrope
I hate life
I hate humans
I hate myself

I think i stated that or something like that before....

I hate life - you're still here, and the alternative doesn't have much to it
I hate humans - you converse with them all the time, as you are on this forum
I hate myself - well, can't help you there. I think everything starts with you - if you're stcuk on yourself, everything will just suck worse

Well, I think I can speak for most here - nobody here hates you, at least based on our cyber-relationships
I hate life - you're still here, and the alternative doesn't have much to it

"It's not worth the bother of killing yourself, since you always kill youself too late." I really liked that quote. A nihilstic person does not kills himself, there is no point in living cause you end up overwhelmed by nothing, but there isnt a point in dying as it would make a difference to the things you already lived. Its hard to understand why the fact of being suicidal does not automatically drives you to suicide. The fact that i hate life does not means that i try to end it at every turn, shure i have tried and all like most people in my situation, and probably will try again at some point, but dead as you say does not has much to it. So my existance ends big deal does not makes a difference, suffering its something to be accepted, there is no point in running away from suffering as it will find you again, there is no point in running away to death as it will find you nonetheless. Suffering its to be accepted not to be feared, nor to shun away from it.

I hate humans - you converse with them all the time, as you are on this forum

I do no such thing as converse. Internet relations are totally meaningless and empty, i could die tomorrow and none of you will ever care nor know, Its not real besides i just state thoughts i do not care about any of you at all. To care is to love for me, and i do not care about humans im just an incoherent person who fnds pressing buttons on a keyboard and sending information through the phone nice to pass time and avoid boredom for some hours i never care for any of you, i never will you are not real to me you are numbers that state things that i like to read and reply to kill the time a bit, there is nothing more to it.

I hate myself - well, can't help you there. I think everything starts with you - if you're stcuk on yourself, everything will just suck worse

Yes everything starts with you. Couldnt agree more. However making myself belive a lie and think im worth something would not lead to making myself happy, it would lead to living a foolish lie until i die. No one its worth anything at all and all your lifes are pointless just like mine. If you have come to think otherwise, i have come to think you found a way to run away from reality.
Originally posted by Misanthrope
Internet relations are totally meaningless and empty, i could die tomorrow and none of you will ever care nor know, Its not real besides i just state thoughts i do not care about any of you at all.

Totally disagree here. I find it far easier talking to people over a computer than in real life, i think a reason why such friendships are so important. You are judged by virtually nothing except your personality, meaning often I feel they are mopre genuine than ones with people you have just met.

I have several very close internet friends, I've never met them, but I care a great deal about them, I know everything that is going on with them, without being there and sometimes in helps to have an impartial person like that.