"Have an argument with Onder" Thread

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You shut up you little sucker. Why did you even go to this thread when you're gonna cry all day afterwards. Let's hope your mom has enough milk in her breasts.

mutantllama has 1 reply left

Why did I enter? Because your a faggot.
I take it as an insult that a fucking spermbank such as yourself even breathes.

Only a cum licking fuckhole would start a thread for the sake of arguing nonsense.

Fuck off.

Maybe your stinkbush mom should hug you more. Not your pappy though, he prolly touches your ballsack.

I'm sorry I can't argue with you anymore because you have zero replies left

Onder is agrees that he's a faggot.

I replied even when I don't have any left. What now faggot

I'm sorry I can't argue with you anymore because you have zero replies left

Onder is like a homosexual version of michael winner.

You're a parody of yourself.

Onder, how come your signature says "suck mn entrails"? Don't you mean "such my entrails"? Learn to spell, you stupid downs-syndrome having foster kid.

That font write "y" like an "n", I have it.

TIACN is a huge giant monstrous faggot.

Heat has 0 replies left
mutantllama has 0 replies left
TIACN has 2 replies left
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