Have any of you realized...

I am a member of both of these forums... unfortunately the OT was shut down by Opeth.com :( now its the Seriously Off Topic forum, which is still a cool place.
NicodemiX said:
I am a member of both of these forums... unfortunately the OT was shut down by Opeth.com :( now its the Seriously Off Topic forum, which is still a cool place.

i am an infrequent poster on the opeth forum - ive got maybe 50 posts there, not much, maybe more than that
Opeth.com made a smooth move getting rid of that forum..it was a shithole...Seriously Off Topic is its new incarnation and i still hate it...id rather post here, at least you people are nice...
THROUGH THEM?! Like....you blew a hole in them? That's a powerful fart, I hope you and chromie never do anal....or he's in for a world of pain.