Have any relations to a band???

Sep 1, 2001
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Anybody here have any relations to someone in a band. Wether they be your long lost cousin or something. I have the same guitar teacher larry from iced earth had. It kicks ass. As a matter of fact he was still teaching him when he was teaching me. I should of asked for an autograph or something:loco:
So does anybody else have like a friend that knows a guy that knows someone who has an uncle who has a cousin whos former roomate used to have a girlfriend whos dad's brother's son used to be in a band?:)
i dont know just trying to think of an interesting post.
nope, not really. the closest i knowis some bloke is a friend who i met in Fulham kings head (where Anathema played recently) who done recording stuff on Radiohead and smashing pumpkins albums. didnt really talk to him though. :rolleyes:
well the closest thing for me I think would be that I know the guys in The Embraced, a really great band, cheack ut theyr new album The Birth!
and whell I have partyed with the drummer from Gorgoroth :D
I know a guy (over the internet though)
that hangs out with all the people in
various Norwegian "Black metal" bands :eek:)
People from Dimmu Borgir, Susperia,
Kovenant, Ashes To Ashes, Lost In Time,
Old Man's Child etc etc etc.

I'm a bit jelous of him,
but then again I'm not >:eek:P hehe...
I used to talk to Carlos (ex-keyboardist for soilwork) on Icq alot
and peter wichers and the rest of Soil Work crew actually ..
I talked with Travis Smith threw e-mail,

ehh ,, nothing else

oh yeah ,,, I talk to Soul Forlorn ,, and I used to talk to all the guys from Thales ,, heh
Slightly embarrasing...

My brother is in a band called Jellyman, and their drummer was taught by the drum teacher who taught the drummer from The Corrs how to play. Apparantly, she couldn't play anything, and this teacher gave her a week's crash course before they went on tour.

Originally posted by Brutalizer
Hmm...well, Mikael (Åkerfeldt) works sometime in a record shop (it's called Mellotronen) here in Stockholm, Sweden... so i see him now and then when i visit the shop!

wow, that sounds great, and im jealous, but is he too busy to talk to the fans?:err:
Originally posted by _Transparent_

wow, that sounds great, and im jealous, but is he too busy to talk to the fans?:err:

Naah, it's a little cool shop, so if people want to talk with him they can, but i am sure Mikael don't want everybody to come inside to talk with him...i bet it's annoying...he is there to sells records, not to talk with fans...:)
Originally posted by Brutalizer

Naah, it's a little cool shop, so if people want to talk with him they can, but i am sure Mikael don't want everybody to come inside to talk with him...i bet it's annoying...he is there to sells records, not to talk with fans...:)

thats a good point, but if i went there i'd regret it for a long time if i didnt speak to him, hopefuly might soon though by braking in to the dressing room or whatever its called when i see them live, theres only one person guarding it usually.:p
To winter-frost:

I finally d/l the video for "The Masterplan" by Evergrey today Morgana, it is well done!

Yes, it is! :)

To godisanathiest:

Hee, hee, jealous? No need for it! If you have time and like to support bands etc... think of how to do it and get in contact with the bands you would like to support. If they like your ideas...

To all: just to let you know what I'm doing, official fan clubs...
after I have been ask personally a few times, I'd like to say it here, I don't date musicians! I meet and work / support them and that's why I travel to Sweden quite often, cause three bands are swedish :)