Have we discussed Steve Von Till?


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage
If we have, then fuck you. Deron might want to fix the search feature?

Well, it's the vocalist dude in Neurosis, I guess, doing very earthy acoustic stuff with acoustic guitars and cellos. I'm sure many of you have already heard this, but those who haven't should get these here MP3's that I'm posting. True nekrosound.

Song 1: http://s56.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=1WLH1A6XDSBL41WUMUTZCDRCB4
Song 2: http://s54.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=1A5N75SOTBXCL3SLLLHQ905TC0

Pretty brilliant, really. I heard some stuff from the second album and didn't like it as much as this (from the first)

Cheers for spikes77 for introducing me to this. (I hope I didn't steal your recommendation or anything)
I never know which dude I like the best from Neurosis because I never know who sings what. But I'm downloading this, post haste!

Nah it was okay, just not really amazing. I'm sure it doesn't help that I'm listening to Souls at Zero for the first time right now. Will give this solo stuff more time at a later date perhaps.
@NAD :

Scott Kelly and Steve Von Till both sing. They have extremely similar voices.
Dave Edwarson (bassist) does the growl-like vocals.(like in "Eyesore" from TSIB the final scream of Burn (behind the main scream) or in "Locust Star" (check the vid I posted in the Rank ______'s albums you'll see the three) )

Steve Von Till is the one with the big fucking red beard :D

My love is like a storybook story.
But it's as real as the feelings I feel.
My love is like a storybook story.
But it's as real as the feelings I feel;
it's as real as the feelings I feel.

:kickass: * :lol:
^ haha, so glad my parents made me watch that from a very young age!

Erik/spikes, wanna re-upload this Von Till guy? I don't know how I never got it the last time
I used to have both Von Till albums. they are more along the lines of the last couple of Neurosis albums. very soft and bare bones earthy, with no drums if i remember right.
erik, if you like those, also try the Scott Kelly solo effort, the other vocalist from neurosis. it's along the same lines