Have you ever cried to a song?

Heh, i cry very easily because i get touched very easily.
The best memory i have from a nevermore song is The Sorrowed man. My mom has lived at my place for almost a year, she left last may to start on her own again. During that time, i gave her a little note, with a part of the sorrowed man lyrics, so she could read it whenever she felt like it. One day i was playing that song and singing along, my mom came into the living room, hugged me and we started crying like crazy...and in the meantime trying to still sing along..
And whenever i see somebody cry, i usually cry with 'm..
Me and a gun, by Tori Amos, is another cry/sing along song..Those are the best times, when i'm alone, with my headphones on, listening to music i wanna hear...and just go with the flow. Maria Callas can touch me too, i love her voice.
Well, enough crying...i'm outta here, have to go to the gym!
Time to kick some ass again :lol:

xxx Iris xxx
To a song, no. For any other reason I can remember, not for years.

If I ever do, it'll be to The Sorrowed Man. (Just really started listening to In Memory. Havn't listened to Politics of Ecstasy yet, just havn't been in the right mood.) The Sorrowed Man or A Question of Heaven.
"The Sorrowed Man or A Question of Heaven"
Yeah, Dane and Barlow both have so much emotion in their vocals it really doesn't matter what they are singing about, you still can feel the emotion because of their vocals. IMO, they're the two best vocalist in Metal right now, atleast as far as clean vocals go.
Man, I should check this board more frequently and get in on these topics earlier.
Anyway, some of the songs I've cried to in the past:
Devin Townsend - Life, Kingdom
Nevermore - Insignificant
Delerium - Desert
Fear Factory - Zero Signal
Life of Agony - Let's Pretend, How It Would Be
Those are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head. I'm very passionate about music. It's my life basically, so if I hear a song that has that special something in it, I lose it. And usually, I always seem to find the right song to listen to at exactly the right moments in my life. It's actually kinda weird at times.
Originally posted by Guerrilla
"Fear Factory - Zero Signal"

Hmmm...... :err:

The last two minutes of the song. Check it out dude. I mean REALLY listen to it. It's unbelievable how emotion-filled it is. Burt's voice, the keyboards...everything.
I cried to Fear Factory's "Timelessness."
One, it's horribly depressing as it is, and two, I found out that one of my friends died when I was listening to it once... I STILL won't listen to it now...
I've cried to Return to Serenity during the solo, i can't remember why but it was at kind of like a fucked up time for me.

I've also cried to the solo in To Live is to Die by Metallica, that one really fucked me up. With Cliff dying and all.

PiNkMaGGiT \m/:D \m/
I'm not sure if I've ever cried to a song.There are a lot of songs that make me feel like crying,wether it's the tune or the lyrics or the singer's voice(that gets me a lot)or if I'm just really depressed.Usually the music is what sort of lightens my really tense,negative moods(anger,depression,ect.).I just realize that I'm wasting my time by by ranting or thinking about killing myself when I could be listening to the music that I love and enjoying it and totally getting into it like I do every time I listen to the cd or tape.I might've cried to an Alice in Chains song once or twice...like the day after I heard that Layne Staley died.Cause,right there,I'm hearing this awesome voice that is silenced forever,that's just a sort of spookey feeling.Of course,if I ever try telling my mother that the music I listen to is "uplifting" to me in any sort of way,she'll assume that I've been "brain-washed".You know,the music that I listen to is *all about death and violence*,so that must mean that I'm a serial killer or something.And then when I have to think about other ppl's ignorance,I get to the point where not even listening to my favorite cds will calm me down.And that just pisses me off.
Died for you, Iced Earth. Forever, Cemetary Gates, a few songs Randy Rhoades was on, a handful of others trigger me. Only if I'm already feeling disconnected/low will I cry though, just a couple of tears is all.
The main song that sticks out in my mind is:

Blind Guardian - 'And Then There Was Silence'

From the first quiet part ('Welcome to the end...') through the huge, 'And then there was silence' part, that whole section kills me. One night I just listened to it over and over, like 10 times, and I just cried the entire time. That's one of the most perfect musical moments of all time. My God, it's so beautiful.

I've also cried to said band's 'Bright Eyes' and 'And the Story Ends', partially because of stuff I was going through at the time.