Have you ever faced a reptile???

Had a listen to your song. Sorry mate, not my thing. I'm more into power metal, but I'm sure there are people here who are into super fast thrashy death type stuff. Good luck. :)

And a goanna is a big Australian lizard. Pedro might be psychobabbling a bit there. Never heard of one killing anyone. But they're theiving bastards. They steal the meat right off the barby.
Penelope said:
Had a listen to your song. Sorry mate, not my thing. I'm more into power metal, but I'm sure there are people here who are into super fast thrashy death type stuff. Good luck. :)

And a goanna is a big Australian lizard. Pedro might be psychobabbling a bit there. Never heard of one killing anyone. But they're theiving bastards. They steal the meat right off the barby.
It ate a grown man!!!! Honest!!!! It swallowed him and flew off into its underwater cave!

btw, why not talk about reptiles?! We can if u want to.

btw again, ur band doesnt sound too bad! Keep up the effort!
while we are on the subject of reptiles, i have a reptile in my pants.

i have listened to the first bit of the song, pretty good.
i like the bass bit.
well thanks for taking the time to listen to the band and give me your feedback
its much appreciated

and Penelope I'm also a huge power metal fan... my fav bands are Blind Guardian,Kamelot,Lost Horizon,Dream Evil,Hammerfall,Helloween,Nightwish etc
Hey Demonstealer, I like all those bands too. I'm particularly fond of Finnish metal for some reason. And I've never thought of India as having metalheads. It's great though that there are metal lovers there. I guess we're everywhere. And I will check out Dungeon Lord Tim.

That my friend, is a psychotic Doom Goanna, out for the kill, these things will tear your head off given the chance.

They also whip you with their tails, and it stings like all hell.

That Goanna there is the Grim and Necro Goanna, native to the Scandanavian areas of Australia. As you can see, it is cleary running away from a church it just set on fire.