Have you ever wanted to brainwash someone? If so, STEP INSIDE!


New Metal Member
Aug 31, 2001
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Synthesis of the Russian
Textbook on Psychopolitics
PSYCHOPOLITICS - the art and
science of asserting and maintain-
ing dominion over the thoughts and
loyalties of individuals, officers,
bureaus, and masses, and the ef-
fecting of the conquest of enemy
nations through "mental healing."

This book is a synthesis of information gathered through observation,
discussion, investigation and experience over the last ten years.
I cannot entirely vouch for its authenticity. Disclosure of the sources from
which it is drawn would undoubtedly lead to great difficulties for them. And in
matters of this kind the Soviet is not accustomed to the issuance of
Having compiled this volume I did not easily discover any method of distributing
it since my own facilities and finances are, as is customary with professors,
necessarily limited. Further, the placement of this volume in anyone's hands
constituted to some degree a considerable risk to myself until I realized that
there actually were two American groups in the field of mental science who were
entirely above suspicion, particularly since they were often mentioned as Soviet
targets by my informers and were mentioned in the actual text of this book as
being antipathetic to this Soviet programme. These two groups were the Christian
Scientists and the Dianeticists. Christian Science is an American Religion,
intensely patriotic. Dianetics is the only entirely American development in the
field of the human mind.
Knowing from my information sources that Dianetics and Christian Science and
their people have experienced years of mauling and defamation at Communist
hands, I am submitting to these organizations this work. I wish to express here
my appreciation for their bold resistance to Communism through the years.
I wish also to express my confidence in the future of the free nations of earth.
Although the soviet has found a chink in the armour of individual liberty, it is
certain that Democratic processes can mend it. That only the individual himself
can protest against assault and injury to him before law, joined with the fact
that the insane have no rights before law, has permitted in itself this deep
ingress into our country's security. So long as this legal hole exists, there is
then no law against driving anyone insane, even though this action deals as
finally with a person as does murder. The existence today of highly efficient
drugs such as LSD, one-millionth of an ounce of which can create insanity,
brings this legal loophole into focus. By enacting legislation permitting a
friend or next of kin to bring charges in case of assault, and by quickly
placing all treatment of and institutions for the insane in the hands of
ministers, taking it entirely out of the hands of European indoctrinated
practitioners, the entire effort of psychopolitics can be nullified at once.
If you care to check this subject of psychopolitics against current occurrences
in the American scene you will discover the urgency of such measures.
Charles Stickley,
New York City, 1955.

If anyone is interested, let me know hahahhahaha

I have a whole manual. ANd if i think your ready, I just may let you ave a copy.


This really is good shit.
I may have a manual as to how to make one.

Man, this brainwash manual is for real, and its damn good reading hahahahah.....Makes ya think.
are you sure, you're not getting brainwashed yourself, by reading the book ? ;)

xxx Iris xxx

Well, its teliin me how to do it. I dont knbow hahahahah

Its just interesting. SOme of it is sick, but it all happened.


Im not going to use it. hahahah
i just skimmed that thing, but it sounds like christain scientists and dianetics are easily brainwashed or somthing. perhaps i should read the whole thing.