Have you guys checked out Degree Absolute yet?!


Soul Collector
Jun 26, 2001
Chicago, IL
Hey guys,

Just thought some of you may be interested in checking out Degree Absolute, which is the brainchild of a very close friend of mine. Aaron also helped out with some keyboards & various noises on our upcoming Twelfth Gate album. He's an amazing musician, and is actually the one person responsible for getting me into progressive metal (DT - "When Dream and Day Unite!!!) back in the early 90s. :grin:

Anyway...check out this promotional trailer for the upcoming Degree Absolute album at www.degreeabsolute.com.

By the way, the mixing of his debut album was performed by Neil Kernon (Nevermore, Nile, Queensrÿche, Spiral Architect, shit...you know who he is...hehe), so that should add a little bit more to his credit. ;) Also, it'll be released through Sensory Records (www.lasercd.com) on January 31st in case you're wondering.

Let me know what you guys think.

Take care & hope to see some of you guys in April at the Chicago Powerfest.:p

I got a promo and listened to it the other day. The music was great but I'm not sold on the singer. I'm not sure he has the right vocal range for the music. Just my opinion for what it's worth.
Heard the sample track at Laser's Edge...was so impressed I pre-ordered it on the spot...

Looking forward to it...

Rock on!
Andy Laudano said:
I got a promo and listened to it the other day. The music was great but I'm not sold on the singer. I'm not sure he has the right vocal range for the music. Just my opinion for what it's worth.

I really like what I hear. Production is excellent of course. The lyrics are pretty somber for the mp3 sample, "Laughing Alone" and I think the mid-range vox (intended?) for this song works. I agree, a few higher notes from the vocalist would be nice to hear on other songs from the disc - as long as he's capable of them. If not, I'm still ordering this disc based on just this one song alone.

Thanks for posting, GateXII. See you at Chicago Powerfest in April.
What I heard on Ken's site got me so excited that I am definitely getting this. I had to think of Zero Hour's first album for some reason and besides Neil Kernon's mixing is always the best.

I so look forward to getting my copy in the mail.