Have you listened to POT?

Have you heard POT

  • Yes

    Votes: 30 88.2%
  • No

    Votes: 4 11.8%

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Yes. A good Joey album,that could have been better with John's vox, IMO.

While I know this is going nowhere. This album is the the best all around Anthrax record to date... I personally like Among The Living better I think. But ATL lacks in production.

Joey is one of the reasons POT was so good. Suggesting it would have been better with John Bush is nonsense. WHY? Because Joey had range, used a lot of range. He did a lot of different things vocally on this album. Was very dynamic. John has almost no range. He has a 'strong' voice but limited range. He is fairly monotone and if he sang on this album it would have killed it. I want to cringe when I hear his versions on the cover album they did.

The version of John singing Keep it in the Family on TGOTE is vile.
don't like the vocals very much, some songs are too long and boring, very good production though (killer bass guitar sound) and few standouts. Discharge is one of my most favourite Joey era songs.
This album is the the best all around Anthrax record to date...


I got into Anthrax right before POT came out and I still remember when I first held the album in my hands and was so impressed by the cover art, the booklet and most of all: the music, of course!! I liked the sinisterness that came along with it.

I just watched the Belly of the Beast and In My World vids on Youtube and it gave me massive flashbacks. Guess I gotta sit down and listen to the album in one go again some day.

BTW: POT turned 20 this year. Too bad we didn't get a anniversary tour or something like it.
If the new album continues from where POT left off, I'll be very happy. My biggest beef with the reunion, other then the fact that I still prefer the Bush era was that I thought Joey didn't have it vocally any more. I saw him solo pre reunion opening up for a Metallica cover band in Cleveland, and his voice was awful. Of all the videos of the reunion tour I saw, I thought his voice wasn't there anymore. BUT with all the videos I've heard of the most recent shows he has done this year back in the band, his voice sounds refreshed and back.

POT was my favorite album of the Joey years not just musically, but Joey's vocal performance as well. I put it up there with some of the best metal albums of all time.
POT was my favorite album of the Joey years not just musically, but Joey's vocal performance as well. I put it up there with some of the best metal albums of all time.

Thats how I felt, then they all of a sudden got rid of Joey and changed their sound. I still don't understand that move. They just put out one of the greatest Metal albums ever, were touring in large venues, had all the momentum you could ever want, height of their popularity, and then out of nowhere they change vocalists and change their style of music. Come out with "Only" as a single and completely fucked themselves. Sure there are those that love the Bush era. But that business move did nothing positive for the future of the band other than gain some John Bush era fans... But the amount of Anthrax fans decreased significantly after the SOWN tour was all over with. I can promise you if they kept doing stuff like the POT album they would have remained relevant with the rest of metal bands such as slayer, metallica, maiden, pantera etc even through the Grunge and Nu Metal years. Guess that 'business plan' didn't work out too well for them in the long run.

Oh well 15 some odd years later they will resume where they left off after POT once again
Yes, 15 years down the crapper, but I suppose it will make the next (real) Anthrax album seem like the greatest thing since Pantera left the building.
In my world, Belly of the Beast, Discharge .... some of their best song imo are on this masterpiece.
Persistance of Time was my first Anthrax album. I was 13. It was the soundtrack of my life. I loved it. Then Bring the Noise came out. I thought it was awesome. I was crushed when I got news that they fired Joey. I didn't understand it either.
Yes, but I would assume any Anthrax fan would have listened to it.

As far as album sales are concerned, how can anyone say what one factor played the biggest part? Did the change in musical direction alienate many long-time fans and turn them off? Yes, without question. Was that the only factor? Not by a long shot. Sound of White Noise did very well, even with Only being on the record. Anthrax had zero label support after that album.
Every single label they've been with since Elektra is now out of business. Are you going to lay all that at Anthrax's feet? Don't you think the poor luck with labels may have played a part with poor album sales? Speaking for myself, I never realized there was an album called Volume 8 until years after the fact. I'm just saying it took more than what some people here consider bad music to bring down album sales.
Oh, and using Metallica as proof that metal bands could sell well during the '90s.... Really? I mean, really? I like Metallica, don't get me wrong, but really? Mama Said? King Nothing? The Outlaw Torn? Nothing Else Matters? These are examples of metal songs?
Like Alex said, POT was the soundtrack of my life for me too. It was also the first Anthrax record I got as a day one buyer. Then about 2 weeks after it came out they toured Australia, and it was my first concert ever as a 13 year old!!! To this day still one of the best live music moments of my life. That clock ticking as they launched into Time. Amaaazing. Still get chills thinking about that.
Yes, but I would assume any Anthrax fan would have listened to it.

As far as album sales are concerned, how can anyone say what one factor played the biggest part? Did the change in musical direction alienate many long-time fans and turn them off? Yes, without question. Was that the only factor? Not by a long shot. Sound of White Noise did very well, even with Only being on the record. Anthrax had zero label support after that album.
Every single label they've been with since Elektra is now out of business. Are you going to lay all that at Anthrax's feet? Don't you think the poor luck with labels may have played a part with poor album sales? Speaking for myself, I never realized there was an album called Volume 8 until years after the fact. I'm just saying it took more than what some people here consider bad music to bring down album sales.

Sound of White noise was going to sell well even if it had all fart sounds on every track. Same reason bands like Metallica sold tons of albums when Load came out. The success of the previous album had fans salivating for a new release. Back then there was no internet or any other musical outlet other than radio and mtv. Even the most die hard Joey era fans didn't really know what the Sound of White Noise album was going to be like. So most of the Anthrax fans who purchased it were obviously the Joey era fans. It did great at first, not because of how 'good' it was but because it had hype from how successful the band was previously. Then once people started reading reviews and noticing the major transition the album and concert ticket sales dropped dramatically. The labels could have put a billion dollars into the albums after SOWN and they still would have bombed. When fans stop coming out the shows (as evident on the Volume 8 and stomp tours) you know something is fucked. The only reason WCFYA had any success is because "Safe Home" got fairly significant radio play. If it wasn't for that you can argue that the entire Bushthrax era of Anthrax was a total bust not only financially but musically. SOWN is okay. Everything else was sub par and that is why it wasn't successful not because of label support.