Sound of White noise was going to sell well even if it had all fart sounds on every track. Same reason bands like Metallica sold tons of albums when Load came out. The success of the previous album had fans salivating for a new release. Back then there was no internet or any other musical outlet other than radio and mtv. Even the most die hard Joey era fans didn't really know what the Sound of White Noise album was going to be like. So most of the Anthrax fans who purchased it were obviously the Joey era fans. It did great at first, not because of how 'good' it was but because it had hype from how successful the band was previously. Then once people started reading reviews and noticing the major transition the album and concert ticket sales dropped dramatically. The labels could have put a billion dollars into the albums after SOWN and they still would have bombed. When fans stop coming out the shows (as evident on the Volume 8 and stomp tours) you know something is fucked. The only reason WCFYA had any success is because "Safe Home" got fairly significant radio play. If it wasn't for that you can argue that the entire Bushthrax era of Anthrax was a total bust not only financially but musically. SOWN is okay. Everything else was sub par and that is why it wasn't successful not because of label support.
I can appreciate the fact that you're trying to be consistent, however this arguments seems to be based on taste rather than unquestionable facts. I mean, "Safe Home" managed to regain some popularity for the band, yet it was even more pop-oriented than Only.
It might very well be that a more experienced record label was involved in the release of WCFYA, thus managing to push the album more than the previous two releases.
I'm not saying that the change in musical direction and change of vocalists didn't result in the band losing fans, however that can't be the the only reason considering that the "return to form" single that is Safe Home was an even further move away from the thrash roots of the band.