Having trouble finding new bands I like lately =/

If you need bands to work out to- I suggest early Fear Factory, SAmael- especially Eternal, pre roots Sepultura, Strapping Young Lad, Slayer, Testaments the Gathering, Hypocrisy. Really anything with rerally strong drumming- and good beats- but it needs to be somewhat melodic- if you ask me.
Dude, forget the melody plagued Swedish stuff. It's for girls and newbies. You've been listening to metal long enough to graduate to the next level.

Aeternus, Acid Bath, Akercocke, Arcane Sun, Behemoth, Bolt Thrower, Borknagar, Carcass, The Chasm, Enslaved, Geasa, Graveland, Immolation, In the Woods..., Primordial, Red Harvest, Sigh, Summoning.

If you're into hardcore/metalcore at all, let me know. Myself and others can point you in the right direction. This music is much better for working out.