Hawt guys

not bad

Lulz he lives in Denmark, and was raised in Denmark

FU DIE!!! :cry:

Now Denmark has absolutely NOTHING instead of just one thing :cry:

Edit: Wait, we still have a few awesome bands :)

what? he was raised in argentina! take the time to read some info before saying that, he lived just two years in denmark where he did absolutely nothing, then went back to the US to became an actor :rolleyes:
what? he was raised in argentina! take the time to read some info before saying that, he lived just two years in denmark where he did absolutely nothing, then went back to the US to became an actor :rolleyes:

Noes, I saw it in the news a while back, because he was opening a gallery with his own art in Denmark, pretty close to where I live actually... You know I'm right :p
he was raised in argentina, born in the US, moved when he was still a baby to venezuela where he lived for 3 years, then moved and lived in argentina till he was 11 years old and then went back to the US where he studied until 1980... wiki ffs! and now he lives in venice, LA, USA... he might have a house in denmark, who knows, he's rich afterall.

smee, jew are sick :)