
I noticed a lot of fret buzz and some DC offset causing top peaks being cut off.

Bottom peaks are all fine (except 1 or 2).

You may reduce the buzz by using a set of heavier gauge strings and adjusting the truss rod a bit.

Hmm and about the DC offset...

Maybe it is caused by a low quality phantom power ?

Try using a battery in your DI box if you haven't tried that already.

And lower the gain if it is possible on your hardware.
permission to do a typical xrateddodo rant at uncle junior next thread he posts?
i have some steam to blow off
nobody will mind im sure?

still wanna fuck with me ey? ey? ok... well than you clint eastwood wanna be,

your momma is so small that you can see her legs on her driver's license...aka midget

and another on your account:

when you were a baby you were so ugly that the doctors had to put tinted windows on your incubator, and then when you were growing up, your momma had to feed you with a slingshot... tiny one of course 'cause she's a midget :D

now you got some more steam to blow homie :heh:
i was one motherfucking good looking baby
shit man

and yes, my mum is small, but she's a middle aged woman, did you really expect much else?

I'm hopefully gonna buy a car in the next 18 months.
I hope it has plenty of headroom.
Not sure if this got overlooked or what
"because the pores are so tight that the highs get compressed (AKA clipped)."
Did you actually stop to consider that they might not be talking about electronics? If they're acousitcally compressed by the pores of the timber, it might just mean that they are being naturally deadened before the sound reaches the pickups?
I'm no guitar genius and I have fuck all idea what happens before that signal hits the output, but i know what happens after, and I ain't never saw no signal clip without my TS9