Hear "In The End" now...

Thanks for posting.

This one could have been off of Volume 8. Not digging this new shit, unfortunately :devil:

I like the guitar solos and vocals. But the song itself is no bueno

You poor thing.....boo hoo. That main riff is heavy as hell......what's wrong with you? Why dont you start up a "Tru Thrash Metal" board, fact is there is more to Anthrax than that. You will never be happy here so why stay? 90% if your posts have zero influence anyway...........:zzz:
Aww you dont like it? What a shock!!! Doesn't really sound like any songs on Volume 8, does remind me a little of 'Any place but here' from WCFYA. Maybe im easy pleased or just not a dated thrash metal douche but i think all 3 tunes ive heard so far are great!

I guess I am 'dated' since I enjoy Thrash then.

I guess bands like Testament, Municipal Waste, Slayer, Overkill, Exodus, Kreator, etc are 'dated' as well.

But some bands have gotten a more 'modern' sound like Metallica and now apparently Anthrax/ The Damned Things. I need to get with the times I suppose :D
I think it's pretty good. It's possibly the one I like the least out of the three songs from WM that I've heard so far, but I think the song will probably grow on me...particularly when I hear it in context of the full album.

Joey sounds brilliant.

However, I can't really see how this tune is comparable to the songs on Volume 8. Based on the first couple of listens, I can't really find any previous Anthrax material that it's obvious compare this tune to.

I keep looking more and more forward to the day when Worship Music lands in my mail box :)
I guess I am 'dated' since I enjoy Thrash then.

I guess bands like Testament, Municipal Waste, Slayer, Overkill, Exodus, Kreator, etc are 'dated' as well.

But some bands have gotten a more 'modern' sound like Metallica and now apparently Anthrax/ The Damned Things. I need to get with the times I suppose :D

Comparing that song to anything from V8 is almost right up there with you saying Maiden has no hits........how can anyone take you seriously.......
Comparing that song to anything from V8 is almost right up there with you saying Maiden has no hits........how can anyone take you seriously.......

There's no point asking him anything when you're 100% spot on. He doesn't reply, as he knows he doesn't have an arguement.

But brace yourself for the pissing and moaning on Sept 13th. :D
I don't know but all these three songs sound to me like leftovers from the past albums. So far I am a bit disappointed but there's still hope. I liked "Revolution Screams" from the new songs the most anyway.
I don't know but all these three songs sound to me like leftovers from the past albums. So far I am a bit disappointed but there's still hope. I liked "Revolution Screams" from the new songs the most anyway.

You talking about the review for 'Revolution Screams' or did you actually hear it?
I know this version is out. This one doesn't count. I was talking about the studio version.
To me this sounds like it was just thrown together with cookie monster screamin' for his mommy. The new version has got to be 99% better than this.

I only said that from the "new songs" they played years ago and are on youtube etc. (Fight 'Em, I'm Alive then called Vampyres, Earth On Hell and Revolution Screams) I liked this one the most, and since the songs haven't really changed much, I hope this song would turn good on the record.
I only said that from the "new songs" they played years ago and are on youtube etc. (Fight 'Em, I'm Alive then called Vampyres, Earth On Hell and Revolution Screams) I liked this one the most, and since the songs haven't really changed much, I hope this song would turn good on the record.

OK, I gotcha :D I think it's possible.
I think it's pretty good. It's possibly the one I like the least out of the three songs from WM that I've heard so far, but I think the song will probably grow on me...particularly when I hear it in context of the full album.

With you on this one!
You mean you don't like anthrax? Big shocker

Have to back up IMF09 a bit (heaven falls down) - not liking a particular song doesn't necessarilly mean not liking Anthrax...I'm not too astonished by the new stuff myself, probably for different reasons but still.