Hear "In The End" now...

Have to back up IMF09 a bit (heaven falls down) - not liking a particular song doesn't necessarilly mean not liking Anthrax...I'm not too astonished by the new stuff myself, probably for different reasons but still.

Of course not, but he hates everthing they've done since POT. I get that they were once thrash but let's face it, the 80's are over. It's done. I don't go around bitching at butterflies for not being catipillars any more.

For tyhe record, this was my fav song of the boot leg stuff I heard from nelson. I can only hear this on my phone at work but I like this better than devil that you know
Comparing that song to anything from V8 is almost right up there with you saying Maiden has no hits........how can anyone take you seriously.......

Maiden didn't make songs to be singles. That was the point. They didn't write songs like "Safe Home" that were flat out meant to be radio hits. That was my point.

On this subject.. the riffing in this song is that same wanna be Dimebag style riffing that we heard on Stomp and Volume 8. Thats what I hear. Thats my opinion, maybe you don't agree fine. But it's very familiar to the style of riffing you would hear on those 2 albums.
Have to back up IMF09 a bit (heaven falls down) - not liking a particular song doesn't necessarilly mean not liking Anthrax...I'm not too astonished by the new stuff myself, probably for different reasons but still.

Thank you sir. Some people get into this thing where if you don't like every song from every album you must not like Anthrax. Well I just happen to not be all that impressed with the 3 songs I have heard so far. I think Fight Em was pretty good, but I really don't like the chorus. This song and The Devil You Know don't do much for me. They do infact sound like rehashed versions of other songs. Nothing ground breaking or 'amazing' going on imo.

And I do like the guitar solos on this song, like the vocals but the song itself not so much
All I know is I've been a fan for a long time and through the years there has been few songs I don't care for. The important thing for me is that I'm excited about the new album and I really like what I hear so far. The great thing is that no one can take that opinion away from me :)
Maiden didn't make songs to be singles. That was the point. They didn't write songs like "Safe Home" that were flat out meant to be radio hits. That was my point.

On this subject.. the riffing in this song is that same wanna be Dimebag style riffing that we heard on Stomp and Volume 8. Thats what I hear. Thats my opinion, maybe you don't agree fine. But it's very familiar to the style of riffing you would hear on those 2 albums.

Well duh, because it's the same band with a different singer. Maybe spitz was the thrash influence, who knows. I can't see him coming back anytime soon, he has twins with autism and they're young. Any parent of a child with autism knows that those years are tough.
You poor thing.....boo hoo. That main riff is heavy as hell......what's wrong with you? Why dont you start up a "Tru Thrash Metal" board, fact is there is more to Anthrax than that. You will never be happy here so why stay? 90% if your posts have zero influence anyway...........:zzz:

Never reply to it.......
Let him die in his shit:devil:
All I know is I've been a fan for a long time and through the years there has been few songs I don't care for. The important thing for me is that I'm excited about the new album and I really like what I hear so far. The great thing is that no one can take that opinion away from me :)

Yeah I'm still excited too. Providing I like most of the album, the tracks I don't dig right away will grow on me.
Thank you sir. Some people get into this thing where if you don't like every song from every album you must not like Anthrax. Well I just happen to not be all that impressed with the 3 songs I have heard so far. I think Fight Em was pretty good, but I really don't like the chorus. This song and The Devil You Know don't do much for me. They do infact sound like rehashed versions of other songs. Nothing ground breaking or 'amazing' going on imo.

And I do like the guitar solos on this song, like the vocals but the song itself not so much

It has nothing to do with me wanting everone to "like or else you're an idiot". I don't care that you hate Bush Era. You have a way of insulting and Alienating people and making bullshit comparisons to justify and argument. Ever heard of narcissism? Look it up...........:Smug:
Hope you got to hear it. It appears that Megaforce has gotten it removed off youtube.

I did. Managed to d/l the file off youtube. Like it, don't love it, but I said the same with The Devil You Know, and that bastard really grew on me in a big way!
Seriously, Rob's done some pretty bitchin' solos

He has definately gone up a notch or two. The only thing that spoilt TGOTE was his solos, 1 take improvisations. I dont mind putting your own twist on stuff, but the main body of the solos should have remained true to Spitz, like how he plays them now with Joey in the band. I'm not Rob Bashing, just the way I see it. Technically, Rob is great. :headbang: