Hear "In The End" now...

I think "I'm Alive" is their best song since "Only". I could listen to it over and over and over and over and over and over and not get sick of it.
Holy shit. Awesome track. Yes, it does remind me of "Any Place But Here," but that is probably my fave song off of WCFYA, so that's a good thing. Three tracks in so far for me and each of them is making me more excited for the album. \m/
I think "I'm Alive" is their best song since "Only". I could listen to it over and over and over and over and over and over and not get sick of it.

I still don't understand how anyone could think Only was a great song. I am no John Bush era fanatic. But there are many songs on SOWN that blow Only out of the water. There are even many songs on WCFYA that blow it away. I don't get it. But hey more power to ya!
I still don't understand how anyone could think Only was a great song. I am no John Bush era fanatic. But there are many songs on SOWN that blow Only out of the water. There are even many songs on WCFYA that blow it away. I don't get it. But hey more power to ya!

I dont agree with that but that's how to share your opion without pissing people off, good work! :headbang:
i can listen to SOWN from start to finish without skipping a tune but 'Only' is the weakest track on the album, i like it but there are better ones imo, 'Potters Field', 'Room For One More', 'Invisible', 'Sodium Pentathol', 'Burst' & even 'Packaged Rebellion'.
i can listen to SOWN from start to finish without skipping a tune but 'Only' is the weakest track on the album, i like it but there are better ones imo, 'Potters Field', 'Room For One More', 'Invisible', 'Sodium Pentathol', 'Burst' & even 'Packaged Rebellion'.

I agree. Only is a good song, but there are far better songs on SOWN in my opinion.
Since I've been checking these first 3 new songs out I occasionally hear my 7 yr old son humming and singing some of the verses even when I'm not playing them. I guess that's a good sign?? :headbang:
Since I've been checking these first 3 new songs out I occasionally hear my 7 yr old son humming and singing some of the verses even when I'm not playing them. I guess that's a good sign?? :headbang:

Thats what Anthrax is banking on. If they can get the non Thrash metal audience to embrace them and have the average hard rock music fan get into the new album the could very well sell a lot of records and get what they have been trying to get for the better part of the past 4 albums. Time will tell!
No, but I wish I was. I'm not saying he hasn't played great solos before, just not that memorable to me. This one is.

I make fun of Rob quite a bit for his boring stage prescience, the beanie, purple guitars, playing with fall out boy, but I really do like his guitar solos on the songs we have heard so far. I think the guitar solos are very good and so are the vocals. The rest of the songs, the main song structures... basically the parts Scott and Charlie did I am not digging the direction so much.
Thats what Anthrax is banking on. If they can get the non Thrash metal audience to embrace them and have the average hard rock music fan get into the new album the could very well sell a lot of records and get what they have been trying to get for the better part of the past 4 albums. Time will tell!

That wasn't my point but I see what your sayin'.
My point was my son possibly becoming an Anthrax fan like me. He hears me play all eras of Anthrax from Fistful to WM.
When 'Got The Time' started playing on my iPod he thought they were saying 'chicken in my head' lol.
I make fun of Rob quite a bit for his boring stage prescience, the beanie, purple guitars, playing with fall out boy, but I really do like his guitar solos on the songs we have heard so far. I think the guitar solos are very good and so are the vocals. The rest of the songs, the main song structures... basically the parts Scott and Charlie did I am not digging the direction so much.

I like his solos too in general, but I hadn't really heard a solo by him that has 'it' before this one. at least I can't remember one.
Here's a quote from a WM review I read today.....

" 'I'm Alive' sees an acoustic intro until the marching backbeat of Benante and bassist Frank Bello is greeted with a near MAIDEN/TWISTED SISTER-esque sing-along."

So the 'I'm Alive' intro is like an Iron Maiden sing-along.

Entire review >> http://www.bravewords.com/news/167807